The Hyperbole Of The Hysterical Anti-Gun Left

The anti-gun left has always been known for their hysteria. Their knee-jerk “Do Something”-ism is a staple of their political stance, particularly when it comes to guns. A single misuse of a gun can easily result in millions of dollars spent all focused on taking away the rights of people who have done absolutely nothing wrong.


While they’re at it, there’s often a fair bit of hyperbole on full display.

Take the Atlanta Journal-Constitution‘s Mike Luckovich and his take on the Sutherland Springs shooting.

Becket Adams, for the record, is being sarcastic there. For the record, here are his words regarding the cartoon:

Get it? The NRA represents some thousands of legal and lawful gun owners across the U.S., so they’re, um, worse than al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Yes, the NRA is worse than two terrorist groups that have made their mark by marauding through the Middle East, killing, torturing, raping, and pillaging as they please, beheading and setting people on fire for the cameras.

A very fine and well-reasoned position!


For the record, the leadership of Al Quida directed attacks are responsible for how many murders conducted by their members? As of 2008, the most recent year I can find numbers for after a quick search, we’re looking at over 4,400 dead, most of them from 9/11. That number has almost certainly increased since then, but this will work for us for right now.


The leadership of ISIS has ordered attacks responsible for how many dead? Not counting people killed in the Syrian civil war in which ISIS is a major player, the New York Times reported more than 1,200 killed as of 2016. Again, that number is a bit higher, especially if you count the slaughter of innocents in ISIS-controlled territories in the Middle East.

That means between the two groups, at least 5,600 innocent men, women, and children have been slaughtered in the service of their ideology.

How many have been killed in NRA-ordered attacks? None.

How many attacks has the NRA ordered? None.

Wait, this can’t be right. We’ve already been told that the NRA is a terrorist organization and the cartoon indicates they’re more deadly than ISIS and Al Quida. This just can’t be!

Well, it can.

The left loves their hyperbole, but they don’t actually want people to know it’s hyperbole. They want people to accept the premise at face value. They want people to associate the NRA with terrorists, paint it as some kind of “Evil Empire” that they will castigate automatically without a second thought.


If called on it, these folks will know that no, the NRA isn’t directly responsible, but they’re still responsible dagnabit! Somehow.

Which is why we need to call out people like Mike Luckovich on his nonsense. Yes, he has a First Amendment right to draw any cartoon he wants. We have a First Amendment right to point out that he’s a blithering idiot for equating a civil rights organization with genocidal terrorists who throw gays off of buildings, behead people for having the wrong religion, and stone women to death for the crime of being a rape victim.

Ain’t America great?

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