Etsy For Gun People? Sure Looks Like It.

Websites like Etsy and eBay are awesome in a lot of ways…unless you’re a gun person. Fear of negative press or lawsuits has made these two popular websites terrified of gun transactions. While they may sell accessories, there’s always going to be a limit to how much you can buy.


Further, the sheer mass of stuff being sold on eBay makes it difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.

But that might change with this site I just learned of thanks to a post called Arms Cove.

Arms Cove, an online marketplace for manufacturers big and small to hawk their weaponry, announces it’s now open for business.

Created by individuals within the firearms industry, the Arms Cove marketplace was opened as a means to connect home-based and small businesses with consumers.

“The American dream of owning your own business and making a profit should not be limited by the big online market places,” John Cantrell, owner of Arms Cove, said in a press release.

The company only submits payments through credit card processors who are firearm friendly and offers “top tier website security” to protect transactions. Arms Cove intends to offer an entire section for re-sellers in the future, but for now the listings are limited to manufacturers looking to sell their goods.

Arms Cove also appears to be willing to go above and beyond in helping companies get set up on their site, even willing to travel, though that appears to be on a somewhat limited basis based on location.

Fair enough.

A quick peek reveals that companies like Hexmag, Paracord, and High Desert Gunworks are already onboard, among others. It’s probable that the list of manufacturers getting on board will grow.

The fact is that so many of the more popular sites are anti-gun in some way, shape, or form, so a website explicitly for firearms and firearm-related merchandise is a brilliant idea. Especially as it’s just in time for Christmas!


Right now, the pickings are a little slim, but that’s how it is on any new website. Expect it to grow as more and more people–both customers and vendors–learn about the site and start looking to make use of it.

The truth is, there are people who would pressure service providers to kill businesses because they find the products being sold icky. If Arms Cover grows sufficient to provide an option for those outfits to sell their goods through a venue that has no problem with raising a middle finger to Mark Kelly, Michael Bloomberg, or Shannon Watts, well..that’s just a win for everyone.

OK, maybe not for those dorks, but do we really care? While I won’t say they aren’t people, I will say they’re people who hold opinions so toxic and dangerous that I don’t really give a flying flip what they think is awful. In fact, if they hate it, there’s probably a good chance that I’m going to love it.

So good luck to Arms Cove and head on over there and see if you can send a little money their way.

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