Anti-Gun Priest's Body Guard Arrested For Illegal Firearm

The argument has been made that anti-gunners aren’t really anti-gun. They’re just anti-gun-in-anyone-other-than-their-hands. It’s probably a fair statement. I’ll be honest; I’m not exactly comfortable with the majority of Americans being able to buy and carry a firearm. I think of how stupid the average American is and then realize that half of the people are even dumber.


It’s a terrifying thought.

However, I also recognize that if I don’t want my right mucked around with, I need to get over my lack of comfort and recognize that the right to keep and bear arms extends to everyone. In truth, doing so isn’t particularly difficult.

Anti-gunners, on the other hand, have a nasty habit of wanting “rules for thee, but not for me.” Kind of like a certain anti-gun priest in Chicago.

An armed security guard associated with staunch anti-gun and nationally known social activist, Father Michael Pfleger, was arrested on May 27 outside St. Sabina’s Roman Catholic Church on the South Side where Pfleger is a senior pastor.

The Chicago Police (CPD) charged Henry Eugene Hale, 35, with possessing a firearm without a valid Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card. He was released on $150 bond.

A spokesperson for the CPD told Chicago City Wire that police officers approached Hale at the church, which  is at 1200 W. 78th Place, when “they saw him holding a firearm.”

Records with the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation show that Hale’s FOID card expired in December 2017. Records also show that he is certified to work in Illinois as a security guard, and that he was once disciplined but it doesn’t explain why.

A May 29 blog post on “Second City Cop” referred to Hale as “Pfleger’s security” and said that “Pfleger and his minions called 006th dist (sic) nonstop to try to get the guy out of arrest.”

Photos posted on Pfleger’s personal Facebook page show Hale accompanying him at numerous rallies.



Over at The Truth About Guns, they find that it wasn’t that Hale didn’t renew his FOID, but more that he couldn’t. It seems he’s had some difficulty paying his child support.

This isn’t the first time that a prominent anti-gunner has seen their bodyguard arrested for having a gun illegally. The most famous example has got to be Michael Moore. His bodyguard was arrested in New York for having a firearm without a license.

It’s like this is going to be a thing, right?

But the truth is, even anti-gunners seem to understand that guns are necessary for self-defense. They just don’t think you should have the means to defend yourself.

This makes sense when you understand that in their mind, their life matters but yours doesn’t. You’re no one important, at least to them, but they’re an important filmmaker or a prominent member of the clergy. You’re just you, which, of course, pretty damn important. It might not matter to Pfleger, but it matters to me. That’s why I want you to have the right to own a gun to you can defend something that matters: you!


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