Parkland Survivors Start Petition To Have President Trump Honor Fallen Classmate

At this point, the phrase “Parkland survivors” tends to set my mind ready to get good and pissed off about whatever brand of stupid they’re trying to inflict on the American public. It’s annoying as hell, to be honest.


So imagine my surprise when I found out that some of the survivors, including a March For Our Lives co-founder, was pushing for something stemming from that tragic day in February that wasn’t completely brain-dead?


Survivors of the Parkland school shooting are advocating for the Presidential Medal of Freedom to be bestowed on one of their classmates, who was slain saving his fellow students.

Freshman Peter Wang was seen holding a classroom door open for students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School as they ran to escape bullets from an AR-15 wielded by a former student this past Valentine’s Day. He was shot and killed along with 16 others after his act of heroism, a deed that fit with the tenor of his whole life, his family said.

“He is so brave. He is the person who is genuinely kind to everyone. He doesn’t care about popularity. He always liked to cheer people up. He is like the big brother everyone wished they had,’’ said Lin Chen, Wang’s cousin.

The 15-year-old was a member of his school’s Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps and had ambitions to join the military and attend West Point. He was even wearing his JROTC shirt that day and was buried in his uniform.

Survivor and fellow student Kyle Kashuv, a senior, started a petition to the White House over Thanksgiving weekend asking that Wang be awarded the highest civilian honor in the country.

Kashuv was joined by March For Our Lives co-founder Cameron Kasky, the one member of that gaggle who seems to have realized he wasn’t as brilliant as he thought he was.


For what it’s worth, I’ve already signed it.

Wang was brave and selfless in his final act, putting his life at risk to save others. He would have made one hell of a warrior serving in this nation’s armed forces, but instead, his life was cut far too short. But in the process of his life ending, he saved many other lives, lives that may not have been here without his heroic sacrifice.

I get a little choked up over Wang’s death because my son was just a year older than Wang at the time and also in JROTC. Contrary to what anti-gunners might think, I do put myself in those parents’ places. I do think about it. I just disagree with the anti-gunners’ proposed solutions.

But I do know that what Wang did transcends politics. It transcends everything else.

The kid was a hero by any definition you want to use. He deserves to be recognized for that heroism. He’s already gotten some, as he was admitted to West Point honorarily, but he deserves more. A whole lot more.

If you have a moment, please go to the petition and sign it.

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