NY Lawmaker Who Wants To Pry Into Social Media Has History Of Violence

The idea of the government being able to look at your internet history of any kind is troubling, regardless of what kind of reasons it gives. Absent probable cause, it’s an incredible invasion of privacy and, for some people, outright embarrassing. Especially because people often say or do things on social media that they might not do in person. Additionally, sometimes a joke looks very different when a third party looks at it.


It’s a problem.

What’s odd though is that it seems the mastermind of this idea has his a history of violence, one that should probably exclude him from ever owning a firearm, especially under the rules he proposes.

If New York Democrat Kevin Parker had his way, you would have to turn over your social media and search history to the authorities before you’re allowed to buy a gun. This requirement is to make sure the buyer isn’t a “violent” person.

The question is, would Parker be able to buy a gun because a search into his background shows he might be that same violent person.

Kevin Parker has a history of losing his cool and roughing up people so much so that the courts ordered him to seek anger management counseling.

The courts in the past have put Parker on a 3-year probation after being found guilty to two criminal mischief in the third-degree. The incident stems from a May 2009 confrontation with New York Post Photographer William Lopez.

Lopez was covering a story about Parker’s home facing foreclosure in his Brooklyn neighborhood. After Lopez took the picture and his flash went off Parker became enraged. He proceeded to chase down and attack Lopez by punching him. Parker then when on to break Lopez’s expensive camera and attack Lopez’s car.

The police were called to the scene of the scuffle and arrested Parker on charges of felony and misdemeanor criminal mischief, assault and menacing. He was later also charged with attempted grand larceny. The damage Parker did to Lopez’s property was more than $1000.

Not only did Lopez lose property in the attack, but Lopez had to seek treatment at the hospital for cuts, bruises, and a broken finger. Parker was able to beat most of the charges by using the “politically motivative charges” defense.

Parker did end up having to pay $672 in restitution to the New York Post for damage to the camera. Parker also had to pay Lopez $1194 for the damage to the photog’s car. The courts also ordered Parker to stay away from Lopez.

Parker was facing prison if the jury would have convicted him on all the charges. He did lose his leadership position as majority whip and chair of the Energy Committee in the New York Senate.


Like so many people, it seems that Parker is guilty of projection.

If he’s the kind of person who would beat up a newspaper photographer, he simply assumes others are prone to violent outbursts as well. If you assume others are like that, you would be especially worried about gun owners who aren’t relegated exclusively to their hands and feet.

But that’s not what people are like. Not most of us, anyway. Most of us want to go about our way and live our lives. We have guns in case we need to defend ourselves from violent thugs. You know, people like Parker.

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