Illinois Gun Grabbers Want To Skip Process On Anti-Gun Bill

In most states, if a bill is vetoed in one session of the legislature, and then gets reintroduced in another, it has to go through the whole process again. It’s treated as a brand new bill and for good reason. The old proposal is dead as a doornail.


But when it comes to anti-gun bills, Illinois gun grabbers aren’t above trying to bypass the normal process and skip the parts where they might lose.

A controversial gun law Illinois Governor Rauner struck down could be making a comeback sooner than expected.

Usually with a new General Assembly, you have to start the bill making process over from scratch.

But if bill supporters get their way– they’d be able to send it straight to governor elect Pritzker.

One gun control measure that ignited massive protests at the capitol, may quietly become law.

“The sooner we can put it into effect and have the results that we’re actually going to save lives that much better.”

Supporters of the gun dealer licensing bill are hoping to hurry the plan through to governor elect JB Pritzker’s desk without another vote.

Governor Rauner vetoed the controversial plan last year. It places new fees and safety rules on gun shops.

Representative Kathleen Willis spearheaded the plan in the house and says there’s no need to waste time.

Note, however, that the bill is controversial and Willis knows this. She also knows that more debate may change minds from supporting it, especially as Rauner’s argument when he vetoed the bill was that it was redundant since gun dealers are already federally licensed.

What Willis is trying to do is create an undue burden on small businesses throughout the state, a burden that will favor large retailers with millions upon millions of dollars in revenue–retailers like Walmart and large chains such as Bass Pro Shops. In the meantime, small businesses will have more hoops to jump through, more opportunities to be blocked by an anti-gun bureaucracy in a state that’s no friend to gun stores, and ultimately lose their businesses due to regulatory nonsense.


More, though, she wants to skip the normal process by using a technicality, in part because she’s worried that even anti-gun Democrats in the anti-gun state will find this to be just a bit too far, even for their tastes. Some have had time to reconsider. Others have left office and been replaced, but Willis wants to ignore all that and move forward.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the problem with anti-gun politicians. They will use any trick they can manage, any underhanded move at their disposal, all to combat your sacred and protected right to keep and bear arms.

Make no mistake, if a Republican had tried this move with literally any bill, Democrats in the state would be howling. They’d be calling it fascist, dictatorial, and any other descriptor they could figure out a way to apply so long as it was unflattering. They’d be calling for blood, possibly literally.

But since they’re in power, they’ll do it and feel justified.

Everything is fair when you’re convinced of your righteousness. Who cares if you’re stepping on the rights of law-abiding Americans?

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