Mexico Threatens Legal Action Over El Paso Shooting

Illegal immigration, despite what the progressives claim, is a legitimate problem. These are people who entered our nation illegally and work outside of the system because of that. This introduces all kinds of issues, including the large number of Americans who have been killed by illegal immigrants over the years.


For the Mexican government, none of that matters.

Instead, they want to try and focus attention on the handful of Mexicans who were gunned down among the 20 killed in the El Paso shooting. In fact, they’re now threatening legal action.

Mexico on Sunday threatened to take legal action against the United States for failing to protect its citizens after this weekend’s mass shooting in the border city of El Paso.

Of the 20 people gunned down at a Walmart at the Cielo Vista Mall, at least seven were Mexican citizens, and Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard promised Mexico City will act.

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry called the attack in El Paso a “terrorist act against innocent Mexicans.”

“The president has instructed me to ensure that Mexico’s indignation translates into … efficient, prompt, expeditious and forceful legal actions for Mexico to take a role and demand that conditions are established that protect … Mexicans in the United States,” Ebrard said in a video posted on Twitter.

Ebrard later announced that he would be in El Paso to meet with the victims and offer support from the Mexican government.

Of the 26 injured in the attack, at least nine were Mexican nationals, according to the government.


Oh, they want to initiate legal actions against the United States for not protecting Mexican citizens? Let me ask Ebrard just how many were legal residents of the United States and how many entered this country in a manner that violated American law?

Next, let’s talk about all the Americans who have been killed in Mexico through the years? I’m willing to guarantee it was more than seven. Did the Mexican government fail to protect them?

Look, American case law makes it clear that the government has no duty to protect anyone. That includes American citizens. Mexican citizens don’t get afforded anything different. If they want a government that has such a duty, then I suggest returning to Mexico. After all, it certainly seems as though the Mexican government thinks such a duty exists.

Of course, the murder rate in Juarez alone suggests that if the Mexican government believes they have a duty to protect their citizens, they suck at it.

What happened in El Paso is a tragedy. The fact that a manifesto exists that suggests these Mexican nationals may have been intentionally targetted because they were Mexicans makes it even worse. That kind of hatred has no place in our country.


Many are trying to take Trump’s anti-immigration rhetoric and make it all about Hispanics, the truth is that illegal immigration is a problem that knows no ethnicity. After all, there are Asian and white illegal immigrants too. To make the case that Trump’s rhetoric somehow led to El Paso is to ignore the fact that the media’s reporting on Trump, as well as the mainstream media’s insistence that he was only talking about Hispanic immigrants, would likely have been what truly played a role.

So will Mexico sue the media next?

Of course not. The truth is, Mexico is doing nothing more than a bit of grandstanding. Frankly, I think cutting off any foreign aid to Mexico–about $290 million–should remind them that we’ve been paying them more than they deserve, so don’t push it.

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