Ohio Anti-Gunners Launch Website To 'Do Something'

While anti-gunners like to mock heartfelt comments about “thoughts and prayers” being with those impacted by mass shootings, they say some pretty cringy things themselves. For example, the repeated calls to “do something.” In fact, the phrase “do something” has become something of a joke on our side of the debate, primarily because anti-gunners meet a mass shooting with calls for legislation that would do absolutely nothing to curb a mass shooting.


However, it seems Ohio House Democrats don’t realize we’re making fun of them. If they did, they’d have rethought the name of their new anti-gun effort.

Amid calls by many Ohioans to “do something” in the wake of the Dayton mass shooting earlier this month, Ohio House Democrats have launched DoSomethingOhio.com to galvanize public support for their gun-control legislation.

The website, unveiled Monday, highlights bills introduced earlier this month that would, among other things, require near-universal background checks for gun sales, raise Ohio’s minimum age to buy a gun from 18 to 21, and create a “red-flag” system that would allow authorities to temporarily confiscate guns from those deemed a threat to themselves or others.

The site includes phone numbers and emails to the offices of Ohio Senate President Larry Obhof and Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder (both Republicans), along with suggested scripts of what to say. There are also ready-made tweets to spread the word on Twitter.

“I encourage Ohioans to use DoSomethingOhio.com to get involved and reach out to House and Senate leadership, committee chairs and the governor’s office to demand action on commonsense gun safety,” said Ohio House Minority Leader Emilia Sykes, an Akron Democrat, in a statement. “Everyone deserves to feel safe in their homes and in their communities. We owe it to our families, friends and neighbors to restore our state’s promise as a safe place to live, work and retire—not fear the next tragedy.”


So. Much. Cringe.

It appears the website was paid for with campaign funds, rather than public money, so I guess we should be thankful for that at least.

Anyway, they’ve done it. They kicked off a website that seeks to rally the troops or, perhaps more likely, pretend there are more troops than there really are.

Of course, they cite Dayton as a catalyst, but I can’t help but wonder just how they think they could stop a drug-addled Democrat with a death wish from killing people in the future. As it was, he broke plenty of laws–that includes gun laws–prior to his attack, yet those are being ignored.

That’s the “do something” mentality at work.

The truth is, the killer in Dayton was out of his mind and drugged up. He was the very person that was meant to be barred from buying a gun under existing gun laws. How did that work?

In fairness, this isn’t the worst thing they could do. I sincerely doubt they’ll see much benefit from this in the ongoing gun debate, though I guess it makes them feel better because they’ve “done something.”


They certainly did. They wasted money on a website to tell people that some folks are dumb enough to want gun control. Good job!

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