VA Democrat Outraged Republicans Canceled Gun Control Meeting

The ramifications of last week’s elections in Virginia are still being felt. I suspect we’ll be feeling them for quite some time. A legislative flip at such a critical time on a number of issues, particularly one like gun rights, is something that will have lasting ramifications for years to come.


Despite the massive changes coming down the road for Virginia, some things just won’t change. In particular, Democrats being outraged because Republicans do things they don’t like.

Local Democrats are calling on Republicans across the Commonwealth to take heed and listen to voters.

“I was disappointed and disgusted that we could not move forward because they were upset about the election results,” Del. Marcia Price (D-95) explained to News 3’s Brian Hill.

Those results she referenced saw Democrats gain control of both the Senate and House of Delegates.

Republican leaders canceled a meeting for Tuesday, where the Virginia Crime Commission was going to discuss their recommendations on preventing gun violence.

“I think that it underscores that people chose the right people to be in place for this 2020 session,” Del. Price explained.

Of course, What Delegate Price failed to comprehend is just why Republicans canceled the meeting.

Honestly, it was the right call.

You see, as Price is well aware, Republicans lost last week. They lost control of the legislature completely, something that means the landscape has completely changed.


The commission’s chairman stated Tuesday’s election results and comments the Governor made about the legislation as the reasons behind the cancellation.

“For reasons both practical and pragmatic, the Crime Commission will not meet on Tuesday,” Senator Mark D. Obenshain (R-Rockingham) said. “The results of Tuesday’s elections, coupled with recent comments from Governor Northam regarding the fate of the legislation we’ve been reviewing, makes holding a meeting impractical.”

Of course, most of the members of the Virginia Crime Commission are appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates, a position that is about to change hands. Further, any recommendations being made by the commission are likely to be ignored as the legislature anyway, especially since Northam has already made it clear that gun control is a priority for him regardless of what the commission suggests.

Honestly, to hold the meeting now would have been little more than a waste of taxpayer dollars.

For Price, though, tax dollars aren’t things one should worry about when one is in office. Then again, she’s also probably quite convinced that the commission really would want to suggest gun control proposals anyway, so it would be all good. Anti-gunners have an incredible amount of self-delusion going on. They generally believe everyone really agrees with them or else is bought and paid for by the NRA. They can’t comprehend that some people actually believe in gun rights.


So, Price figures this was some kind of a stunt to delay gun control and can’t possibly comprehend that someone might disagree with her.

Either that or she’s an idiot who doesn’t get there are legitimate reasons to not hold a meeting when so much has changed in the Old Dominion State.

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