Kenosha Sees Second Night Of Unrest Following Police Shooting

Based on a very basic look at the facts of the case, the shooting in Kenosha, WI looks like a clean shoot. The suspect moved in such a way that it likely appeared to officers that he was going for a gun. As such, they opened fire.


This was a man who had a recent history that already suggested he was potentially violent, all of which matters.

Well, it matters to people interested in the truth. For some, it’s just an excuse to try to burn a city down, and for them, none of that matters at all.

Police and protesters in Kenosha, Wis., clashed for a second night Monday following the shooting of a Black man that touched off civil unrest similar to that in other cities across the country.

Officers deployed tear gas in an attempt to disperse a crowd outside the Kenosha County courthouse. Gov. Tony Evers deployed 125 Guard members to the city in an effort to prevent the kind of violence and vandalism that occurred in the city on Sunday night.

Multiple fires were reported across the city late Monday night. Stephanie Haines, a reporter for TMJ4, reported that downtown Kenosha is filled with smoke.

The unrest continued overnight, as video appeared to show a car dealership in Kenosha being looted, while others stomped on cars and pulled down street lights. Earlier, a furniture store was looted and set on fire. The Wisconsin Department of Corrections building was also reportedly set on fire.

Protesters chanted “No Justice, No Peace,” minutes before the curfew went into effect and ignored orders to go home. Some officers were targeted with water bottles and other objects but it was not clear if anyone was injured.


Now, just for those who are having trouble keeping up, here’s how it works in 2020. The police are not allowed to shoot anyone for any reasons at all. Even if the suspect is firing at police, they’re not allowed to shot back. That’s what happened in Chicago and it sparked widespread looting.

Here, again, we have what sure looks like a clean shoot, only the mob doesn’t care.

The truth of the matter is that we’re likely to see more of this, especially if every officer-involved shooting is going to be made into a cause for the mob. Police can’t do their job without being able to defend themselves.

I can’t help but wonder just how many people out there criticizing the police are also really, really upset about the uptick in violent crime we’ve seen in recent months.

Regardless, this is the world we live in now, apparently. Every police shooting of any minority will result in this kind of response.

Keep it up and the police will stop responding to incidents until well after the fact, thus making it possible for still more innocent blood to be spilled. Remember, the police do not have a duty to protect any individual. They still try to protect people, and that’s all that was happening here. Make it too difficult, too risky to do that and I don’t think you’ll like the world we’re going to find ourselves in.



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