Brady Bunch's Ads Prove Their Foundational Lies

Brady, the anti-gun organization, has been around for quite some time. Founding in the wake of Jim Brady being shot at the same time President Ronald Reagan was, the family figured they simply had to do something to stop that from ever happening again. While gun laws were changed in that same aftermath, it wasn’t enough.


As a result, Brady is now one of the bigger names in the gun control crowd.

It also seems that this election cycle, they’re branching out from gun control.

The latest Brady Campaign ad airing in the state of Virginia omits any mention of gun control in general, or specifically “assault weapons” bans and magazine prohibitions.

The ad, a collaboration between the Brady PAC and the House Majority PAC, is a radio spot being run against Nick Freitas, the Republican challenging Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA).

The ad comes just months after Virginia Democrats pushed through numerous gun controls and Gov. Ralph Northam (D) used emergency declarations to prohibit the carry of guns on state capitol grounds, yet no mention is made of the passage of those controls or of the Democrats’ continued efforts for more such laws in the state. Instead, the Brady/House Majority PAC ad talks about healthcare:

Note the absolute lack of any mention of guns or gun control in that ad? Instead, it’s simply talking about healthcare, which is outside of Brady’s wheelhouse, supposedly.


Yet this is Brady, the supposedly bipartisan “gun safety” group.

Here’s their About Us page:

Jim and Sarah Brady accomplished the inconceivable by getting the bipartisan Brady Law passed in 1993. But there’s more work to be done. We know that ending America’s gun violence epidemic means accepting these truths: 1) Gun ownership demands responsibility; 2) Laws in existence must be upheld by those empowered to do that job; and 3) Gun violence is a uniquely American problem. Only when Americans unite and work together will it be solved.

A problem with so many causes at its roots, must be addressed from all angles. Brady’s emphasis on education, litigation, and legislation will ensure that every community is safe, not only from mass shootings, but from the daily urban gun violence that plagues so many American cities.

It’s time we unite people from coast to coast, liberal and conservative, young and old, fed up and fired up, to work with us and end what is taking so many American lives. It’s in our hands.

Note the mention of bipartisanship? How liberals and conservatives should work together?


And yet, here they are, toeing the progressive line on healthcare to attack a Republican candidate on something that has absolutely nothing to do with guns or gun control. Nothing at all.

After all, Nick Freitas is apparently pro-gun. Where was that in all that advertising?

Brady claims bipartisanship is part of its essential nature, part of its founding and its mission. Yet there’s nothing bipartisan about attacking a Republican candidate on a topic that has nothing to do with their mission.

At the end of the day, they’ve not proven that despite claims to desire bipartisanship, all they really are is an arm of the Democratic Party, just as we always knew them to be.

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