DC Project Kicks Off #TealFor2A

A lot of various movements use different colors to symbolize their cause. Perhaps the most famous example is the use of pink for breast cancer awareness. The idea is that people can wear a color and make a statement, even when they’re not able to make a statement with their clothing in other ways. You can’t wear a t-shirt when your job calls for a suit and tie, but you can wear a particular color tie and still show your support.


In a press release sent out on Monday, the DC Project has decided to push for the Second Amendment to have its own color:

The #TealFor2A campaign is a collective movement spreading across America in support of the Second Amendment. The color teal represents a steadfast commitment to preserving the right to bear arms and reflects the shared mission of individuals and organizations fighting for gun rights.  Spearheaded by the DC Project, #TealFor2A cause embraces the premise that there should be no compromise on the constitutional right to bear arms in the United States.

What is the DC Project?
The DC Project affirms that firearms safety and violence prevention are achieved through education, not legislation; it encourages the preservation of America’s gun culture and highlights the diversity and rising demographic of female gun owners through ongoing advocacy because gun rights are women’s rights. According to Dianna Muller, Founder of the DC Project, “We believe that self-defense is a human right and that we are our own first responders. We understand the importance of preserving the right to protect ourselves. Members of our foundation regularly stand before legislators and lawmakers on the frontlines of this battle to protect this crucial right and make their voices heard through education. Stand with us by donating to the DC Project and wear the color teal to let others know you support the rights of responsible gun owners too.”

Get Involved, Wear Teal, and Be Heard
Share the campaign by using the hashtag #TealFor2A on social media, wear teal, and share the DC Project’s social media messaging. “Research who you are electing and learn their stance on the Second Amendment, then get out there and vote,” Muller said.

Learn moreat www.dcproject.info. Follow the DC Project on Facebook and Instagram and share the #TealFor2A hashtag everywhere to show support for the Second Amendment.


Honestly, I like the idea. For one, my wife’s response was “I like teal and I like things that go ‘boom!’” so it won’t be difficult to implement in my home.

Additionally, by having a designated color as support for the Second Amendment, people can show their support in ways that are far more subtle than a t-shirt warning that someone will have to take your gun from your cold, dead hand.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s a place for that, of course, but it doesn’t work every place.

The color teal, on the other hand, can. It can work anywhere and at any time. It’s kind of perfect in so many ways.

Time to go buy some teal stuff.

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