A Georgian Perspective On The Senate Runoff Races

The one thing I really didn’t see coming this year was two runoff races for Georgia’s Senate seats. I expected Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s race to end in a runoff because that’s what typically happens when you have half a dozen or so candidates in a jungle primary. No one is going to get 50 percent of the vote, so it goes to a run-off.


I didn’t expect Jon Ossoff’s challenge against Sen. David Perdue to go that direction, though.

Now we’re here, and it’s really starting to get ugly.

Take, for example, the race between Sen. Loeffler and Rev. Raphael Warnock.

Warnock responded to initial attacks by Loeffler with ads saying how the senator was calling names, but listing the thing he stands for. Not specifics, of course, because “affordable health care” sounds better with many Georgians than “I want to bring back the failed Obamacare policies that actually jacked up your insurance rates.”

You know, for example.

Meanwhile, just a few minutes after seeing that very ad on television, I hear a Warnock radio spot attacking Loeffler’s stock trades following a COVID briefing.

Now, I’ll admit, the trades never looked good. However, it should be noted that the bipartisan Senate Ethics Committee cleared her of any wrongdoing. That is typically left out of Warnock’s attacks. Understandably, of course.

Warnock is now claiming that Loeffler is taking quotes from his sermons out of context, as if there’s a context that makes some of those statements somehow better.

On the other hand, we have Jon Ossoff, a man who has managed to fail his way into bigger and bigger campaigns over and over again. Previously, he lost a House race to Karen Handel. That’s a seat that eventually flipped Democrat when the district elected Rep. Lucy McBath just a couple of years later, but he’s got a shot at being a senator?

Well, apparently.

Yet both of these men represent a threat to our gun rights, among other things. While Warnock’s campaign website is devoid of any mention of guns, Everytown seems to like him. They like Jon Ossoff, too, though at least Ossoff has the cajones to put that on his site.


Georgia has been a pro-gun state for some time. We rejected Stacey Abrams and her radical anti-gun agenda just two years ago, and now the state is set to potentially elected two radical gun grabbers to the Senate.

And that’s terrifying considering just how close we are to handing the anti-gunners all they need to ram their agenda down the nation’s throat. Now we’re looking at a runoff for two races that, frankly, could determine the entire fate of the nation. I know it sounds like hyperbole, but a 50-50 split in the Senate is potentially disastrous under current conditions.

Fortunately, it’s possible that the runoff won’t motivate Democrats nearly as much as Republicans. After all, when you figure you have the House and the White House, you can feel pretty secure overall. Republicans don’t have any delusions that they are. They’re likely to be more motivated this time around.

But, that’s not a guarantee, which means all eyes will be on Georgia politics for the next couple of months.

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