Dem Senator: "The Moment To Make Our Stand" On Gun Control

(AP Photo/Steve Helber)

There are some on the right who are convinced that contrary to what they say, anti-gun Democrats love mass shootings. They love them because it gives them an opportunity to try and push for gun control in a country still reeling from the deadly slaughter of innocent people.


Now, I’m not one of those people. I tend to think that, for them, it’s really just a matter of never letting a good crisis go to waste.

However, it gets harder and harder to hold onto that belief.

Especially when they say stuff like this.

Just hours after a gunman fatally shot 10 people in Boulder, Colorado, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) called for swift action on gun control legislation, saying that now is “the moment to make our stand.”

“This is the moment to make our stand. NOW,” Murphy wrote in a tweet Monday night.

“Today, our movement is stronger than the gun lobby. They are weak. We are potent. Finally, a President and a Congress that supports gun reform. No more Newtowns. No more Parklands. No more Boulders. Now – we make our stand,” the Connecticut Democrat added.

Except both Newtown and Boulder were in fairly gun-controlled states and Parkland was a prime example of how laws already on the books meant to keep guns out of certain people’s hands don’t actually work.

Then again, this is Chris Murphy we’re talking about here. He’s not known for his rational thinking.


Especially since he’s forgetting a few things. For one, he doesn’t really get to make that call. Those that do aren’t fans of some of the proposals being made.

Murphy has never been a friend of gun owners and isn’t likely to become one. So far as I’m aware, he hasn’t completely come out in favor of gun confiscation, but he’s one that we have every reason to believe he’s down with it. He damn sure isn’t going to stand against it, that’s for sure.

Because of that, it’s unsurprising that he’s not going to let this crisis go to waste. However, as a long-time senator, he has to know that even now, gun control faces a significant uphill slog. The filibuster remains a thing and so long as Sen. Joe Manchin tries to maintain good relations with his red-state base in West Virginia, don’t expect him to jump up and down to side with Murphy on guns.

Yet let’s also understand something. The ghoulish nature of people like Murphy making comments like this in the immediate aftermath of such an atrocity will never be called out, but a gun-rights group warning of a coming push in a fundraising email will be blasted as insensitive. We’re not on an even playing field and we never will be.


Murphy will keep getting a pass for this kind of crap. What matters, though, is that we all know that it’s time to dig in and remind our senators where we stand. It’ll warn them not to budge on this. Don’t give Murphy and company what they want.


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