Utah Exploring Sanctuary State Status

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

As President Biden and Congress continue to push their anti-gun agenda, more and more states are considering sanctuary state status. Earlier today, we talked about Alabama’s move in that direction, too.


Like I said, more and more states are considering it.

However, for many, the question remains of whether such a law will do any good. In other words, are they just words on a page or will there be actual teeth in such a measure?

That’s the question Utah seems to be asking itself.

At least two states are considering legislation that would allow lawmakers to ignore federal laws or judicial rulings they believe violate the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

Utah lawmakers are considering a similar move as early as next year.

A bill introduced by Republicans in Ohio would declare any federal law, executive order, or court ruling to be “null and void” if it infringes on gun rights.

A similar law in Texas declares the state a “Second Amendment sanctuary,” blocking state agencies and local governments from enforcing new federal gun rules.

Rep. Cory Maloy, R-Lehi, tried to pass a law similar to the Texas bill during the 2021 Utah Legislature. He was unsuccessful, but lawmakers will study the issue during summer legislative meetings this year, with an eye on the 2022 legislative session that starts in January.

“I want to see what we can do legally,” Maloy said, “to make it so some of these laws from the federal government are not enforced by the state.”

He explains Utah is already ignoring federal law with the legalization of medical marijuana, so why not federal firearms laws?

“Everything we’re doing with medical marijuana is technically against the law,” he said. “The feds turn a blind eye to that.”


The medical marijuana argument is a valid point, especially just a day after 4/20. The federal government does turn a blind eye to that.

The question is, will it turn a blind eye to ignoring federal gun control laws? In this administration, I’m not hopeful.

See, medical marijuana is popular among the left and generally tolerated by the right. After all, federalism is a thing the right likes, so that leads to a blind eye being turned.

But the left isn’t likely to reciprocate in the case of gun control.

As such, it’s important to make sure such efforts can withstand legal scrutiny. Will the courts protect that degree of federalism? If so, then sanctuary states come out as winners. If not, well…well at least we can make a stand and show the federal government just how unpopular their gun control measures actually are.

Still, I can respect Utah’s approach of making sure they’re not just going through the motions and not accomplishing anything. There are other ways to respond to anti-gun power grabs, so why spend time on one that won’t work? Making sure it will is something worth considering, so more power to them.

However, I suspect there will still be a measure to be considered at least next year, so keep an eye out for that.

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