Parents Upset Policy Isn't Keeping Guns Out Of School

AlLes / Pixabay

There is a recurring problem of students bringing guns to school. This is a less than ideal situation, mostly because children generally aren’t mature enough to exercise their gun rights, which is why we restrict them. We also keep them from exercising a number of other rights for the same reason.


God forbid some of these kids started voting.

Regardless, kids are taking guns to school. It’s a problem in a lot of places. However, parents in Louisville apparently seem to think that the issue is insufficient policy on the part of the school system.

Jefferson County Public Schools cite disciplining students according to their policies and procedures; especially as 14 guns have been found on campuses so far this school year.

When asked about the way the school district deal with guns being brought to campus, JCPS references the Student Handbook.

The Behavior Codes are broken down by grade, level offense and category. Weapons and Dangerous Instruments is considered to be a level 3 or 4 offense.

The Behavior Codes also states per Board Policy, anyone who handles a gun will be referred to an alternative school for one year and won’t be able to return to their original school.

[William] Bradley says the disciplinary actions doesn’t seem to keep students from bringing guns.

”Put some security in the buildings,” Bradley said. “Come in, it rings, you got something, and still go with the wand. You never know what people got.”


I find it amusing that they think the issue is policy, particularly when there are laws against carrying guns into schools and those don’t seem to be doing much.

Bradley at least seems to believe that some level of physical security is needed, but that’s not really a policy issue. It’s a logistical one. The system operates 150 schools. If only one metal detector is given to each school at roughly$1,500 or more, you’re looking at a minimum of $225,000 to install metal detectors.

And schools are going to need more than one each, otherwise, there’s going to be a huge problem with kids trying to get into the school.

Even that, though, isn’t a guarantee. My son graduated from a school where he had to do that, and I could see a number of ways to get a gun onto that campus without too much difficulty. Don’t think a metal detector is going to stop the issue.

The problem isn’t a lack of policy or a lack of law. The problem is that we’re living in a world where kids believe they need to carry a gun to school for protection. That’s happening more and more frequently and it corresponds strongly with the increase in violent crimes. We need to address the reasons why they’re doing it. If we do, the problem becomes self-correcting.


Of course, that’s easier said than done.

Regardless, griping about school policy isn’t really the answer. If laws on the books aren’t enough–and I’m sure students who have seen others bring guns only to get arrested have passed the word that it’s criminal–then new rules in the school rule book aren’t likely to accomplish much either.


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