March against 'gun violence' after Sacramento shooting

AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli

After the Sacramento shooting, it’s not surprising that many there are more than a little worked up about what transpired. After all, it was the second major shooting in the span of a month. That’s more than enough to rattle anyone.


So, what are residents there doing?

They marched against so-called gun violence.

One week after a shooting left six people dead and injured 12 others in downtown Sacramento, people marched in memory of those who were impacted by the gun violence.

Berry Accius, founder of Voice of the Youth, organized the event. He and city leaders, including Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg and City Councilmember Katie Valenzuela, spoke about the need to end gun violence.

People met at 7th and K Streets and wore shirts that stated, “Sacramento strong.” They held a moment of silence before walking to 10th and K streets.

The group paused in front of a memorial that has been set up with flowers and candles in memory of the people killed last weekend.

Then, the march continued, ending at the west steps of the state Capitol.

“This is my city, and I care,” said Francine Mata, one of the dozens who took part in the march. “We are Sacramento, and we need to start taking action.”

Now, normally, I take issue with hollow protests like marches against “gun violence” and the like. In this case, with this one in Sacramento, I’m not going to.

Is it because I think it will make a difference this time? Hell no.

I’m just of the opinion that it can’t manage to do less than all of California’s reams of gun control laws managed to do.

Truth be told, they both accomplish the same amount with regard to violent crime, but at least the march isn’t infringing on the rights of law-abiding Californians the way the state’s draconian firearms restrictions do. At least a march is there, then it’s done. It’s all over except may for the cleanup.


So yeah, this time, I’m not giving anyone other grief about marching against “gun violence.”

It still won’t make any potential shooter anyone look up and think, “Maybe I shouldn’t try and kill someone after all” or anything of the sort, but it’s not going to do anything else, either, which is about as good as it gets for California.

“But Tom, they’re urging lawmakers to take action!”

Yes, they are, but does anyone think for a moment that Californian lawmakers really need much prompting to try and restrict the Second Amendment rights of people who did nothing wrong? Frankly, marchers asking for something that someone else already wants to provide isn’t a huge win for the marchers, if you ask me. It’s like a kid trying to offer everything to his mom to let him take the car out, only she was going to say yes before the begging.

The march won’t accomplish anything like every other march we’ve seen over the years. However, in the case of California, that’s a win.

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