A few years ago, March For Our Lives staged a massive demonstration in Washington, D.C.
Since then, we’ve heard plenty from David Hogg, one of the founders, but most of what we’ve seen so far as grass-roots type stuff wasn’t anything like that.
The group wasn’t dead, but it seemed like they didn’t have a lot going on really.
Over the weekend, though, they took to the streets in many cities to call for gun control.
Tens of thousands of protesters have rallied across the US to call for stricter gun laws in the wake of two mass shootings.
Those taking part at the hundreds of marches carried slogans like “I want freedom from getting shot”.
On Saturday, gun safety group March For Our Lives – founded by survivors of the 2018 Parkland school shooting in Florida – said some 450 rallies would be held across the country, including Washington DC, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.
The group said it would not let politicians “sit back” as people continue to die.
March For Our Lives (MFOL) said political leaders’ inaction was killing Americans.
“We will no longer allow you to sit back while people continue to die,” Trevon Bosley, a MFOL board member, said in a statement.
Speaking to protesters in Washington DC, one of the survivors of the Parkland shooting, David Hogg, said the killings of children in Uvalde “should fill us with rage and demands for change, not endless debate, but demands for change, now.”
Now, much of this transpired prior to the Senate reaching a deal to pass some level of gun control on Sunday.
Not that it matters all that much.
You see, as I noted earlier today, much of the reaction to the bill was basically “it’s a start.” What that means is that even if mass shootings stopped entirely after the new measures are passed, they’ll still just try to find another justification for pushing for all the same measures.
And let’s be honest, there’s no reason to believe new gun control will stop mass shootings. Absolutely none.
With that in mind, though, should we listen to what the March For Our Life folks have to say?
Not particularly.
See, like so many other gun control advocates, they don’t actually understand what they’re trying to regulate. They think there’s this world here where most guns never undergo a background check and where lawful gun owners selling a firearm in a face-to-face transfer–what they think is likely more common than buying from a gun store–won’t back off from a sale if something feels off.
That’s all BS, of course, but they don’t know anything about who we are.
None of us want mass shootings. After all, if there were no more mass shootings, it would be harder for gun control advocates to sway public opinion–that won’t stop them, of course, but they’ll just have a harder time doing it. The end of mass shootings would be a huge benefit to the gun industry and to gun rights supporters.
Yet folks like the March For Our Lives crowd will typically try to block any measure that’s not gun control but might actually impact mass shootings, yet have the audacity to scream about inaction.
So no, there’s no particular reason to listen to them. Even without the Senate deal, there wouldn’t be any reason to listen.
Mostly because they have nothing new to say.
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