Permitless carry bill introduced in Michigan

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

The state of Michigan has been on a bit of an anti-gun rampage of late. Democrats control the legislature, after all, and that’s something Gov. Gretchen Whitmer wanted for a while now.


So, they’re getting what they wanted. Good and hard.

Yet it seems not everyone has lost their mind. At least some lawmakers have a better idea about how to deal with the state’s violent crime issue.

After Michigan Democrats outlined their vision for gun control in the state with newly passed laws, Senate Republicans have recently introduced their own firearm proposals.

The GOP legislation would repeal sections of Michigan law that makes it a felony to carry a concealed firearm without a concealed pistol license, otherwise known as “constitutional carry.”

Lead bill sponsor Lana Theis, R-Brighton, said in a press release that the legislation would remove a barrier for Michigan residents so they are better able protect themselves in case of emergency.

“Danger can strike at any moment,” Theis said. “Now, more than ever, it is essential that law-abiding citizens be prepared to protect themselves and their families. With crime and lawlessness on the rise, residents shouldn’t have to ask permission to better defend themselves.”

In addition to removing the requirement for an individual to obtain a concealed pistol license, Theis’ bill would also do away with supposed “safe zones” where one without a license could concealed carry in places like their homes or businesses.

She’s not wrong, of course. Danger can happen anywhere at any time, and waiting for a permit just means making someone way to defend themselves. Sometimes, you just can’t afford to wait.

Permitless carry would eliminate that period entirely.

Unfortunately, it’s not likely to happen.


The same legislature that just passed a number of anti-gun bills in Michigan isn’t suddenly going to pass pro-gun bills like this. It’s just not realistic to believe so.

This is, instead, a virtue signal. It’s one I happen to agree with, but it’s a virtue signal just the same. It’s a way people like Theis can let their constituents know they’re still fighting for their right to keep and bear arms.

I’ve long been less than thrilled with this kind of thing, but I’m softening a bit on the issue. So long as the people pushing this kind of thing will do so when they have control of the legislature, I’m fine with it.

It’s when people only suggest stuff like this when they know it won’t pass that I’m bothered.

Michigan could benefit from permitless carry. They’d join more than half of the nation in having permitless carry to some degree or another.

It’s just too bad that such a measure won’t pass because there are a lot of good people in Michigan who deserve better from their state government. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who wanted a state government that would infringe on their rights, so here we are.

With luck, the pendulum will swing in the other direction and Michigan will regain its sense soon enough.

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