The Worst Argument Against Armed Teachers Ever

Image by Janmarcustrapp from Pixabay

When my son was in high school, he went through an active shooter drill. No, he and his friends weren’t traumatized by the experience, no matter what some so-called experts claim.


However, he wouldn’t have minded knowing there were some armed teachers in the building if something like that really went down.

Yet the idea of allowing school staff, particularly teachers, to voluntarily carry a firearm seems to bother a whole lot of folks, the same people who want to say teachers are heroes and can be trusted with just about everything else.

In Nebraska, they’re debating the issue right now, and the dumbest argument I’ve ever seen is a part of the discussion.

Tim Royers, president of the Millard Education Association and school shooting survivor from 13 years ago, gave an emotional testimony arguing against the proposals in the bill.

Mr Royers was in his school’s lunchroom overseeing students on 5 January 2011, when someone announced over the school’s speakers, “Code Red”.

He and other teachers scrambled to gather as many students as possible and search for a room in which to hide.

“I will never forget the looks on those students’ faces,” he said.

Authorities later said that a 17-year-old student – the son of an Omaha police detective – had been suspended from Millard South High School, but he returned that same day with his father’s service revolver. He fatally shot the assistant principal and wounded the school’s principal before killing himself.

In the years since, he has never heard any educators express a desire to be armed, Mr Royers said. “But I’ve had plenty of them tell me that a provision like this would drive them out of the profession,” he said to the committee.


Royers has led a very sheltered life since that incident if that’s true.

While the media doesn’t shine a lot of light on those folks very often, a number of school teachers have all but begged for the opportunity to carry their firearms to work. Royers has had to willfully not look at anything but what would confirm his own biases.

But the big issue here is the claim that teachers will leave the profession if their colleagues are allowed to carry a gun.

Armed teachers are, after all, voluntary and no one wants it any differently. Not everyone is up to carrying a gun, after all.

If they can’t handle someone else carrying a gun and claim they’d leave the profession if that’s the case, well, so much the better for everyone.

The inability to even be in the potential presence of someone lawfully carrying a firearm isn’t some brave stance. It’s weakness and cowardice, especially among a population that often thinks they should be held up as icons or something.

If they leave, good riddance. The teaching profession will ultimately be better off without them, especially considering some of the stuff teachers are taking upon themselves to spew in the classrooms.


And yes, there’s going to be an overlap between those who think it’s their job to indoctrinate our kids and who can’t tolerate even the thought of a good guy with a gun.

I hope Nebraska gets tons of armed teachers. It’ll clean up the schools beautifully, it seems.

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