DC Gun Violence Prevention Org Wants Money for Failed Effort

AP Photo/Rick Bowmer

Honestly, I don't generally care what private organizations do so long as it doesn't try to hurt me or mine. I might disagree with them, but those differences are what makes our nation great.


Yet sometimes, I've just got to say something. 

See, every organization out there can make bad decisions, but some decisions are worse than others. For example, a non-profit might decide to raise money to do something that has been proven not to work time and time again.

A DC group working to combat so-called gun violence is trying to raise money. Considering their overall mission, one would imagine it's a good cause--at least so long as they're not trying to push gun control, anyway.

Unfortunately, they're trying to raise it so they can conduct a gun buyback.

A faith-based gun violence prevention group is asking for donations to help fund a “no questions asked” buyback event that hopes to get 300 guns off the streets of Montgomery County, Maryland.

The D.C. area Interfaith Gun Violence Prevention Network is sponsoring the event which will be held on April 20 in Germantown.

“We should take the weapons of war, and make them into ways that we can actually thrive together as a community,” said Rev. Holly Jackson, pastor of the United Church of Christ of Seneca Valley in Germantown which is hosting the buyback.

This event will be the first faith-based, “up-county” gun buyback program in a section of Montgomery County that the network said in recent years has seen an uptick in gun violence.

“It’s really important for us to serve our community and figure out how we can make this a better place for people not just to survive, but thrive. And part of that is making sure that people are safe, and that the threat of violence is not hanging over their head all the time,” said Jackson.


I agree, it's very important to figure out how to make communities better places to live and not just survive, but thrive.

This ain't it, though.

First, buybacks have been shown to simply not work. That alone is ample reason to abandon such a strategy. I mean, if you buy something for a medical condition and it doesn't work, you don't keep repeating the treatment. You try something else.

Buybacks suffer from a number of problems, problems that won't actually be resolved in this lifetime. For one, they tend to offer paltry sums of money, so there's little incentive for people to hand over decent guns. When they do offer significant sums, there will be people who can game the system and make a profit--and that's not a criticism. I respect it.

Meanwhile, criminals aren't likely to ever hand over guns for short-term cash. Most of them are carrying a gun for self-defense, much like we do. Why would they hand it over for a few hundred dollars? They value their lives more than that.

Of course, I also have concerns about that whole "weapons of war" comment. After all, we all know that's usually a reference to AR-15s, but they're not the weapons most likely to be used by a criminal. Those are handguns and those aren't really "weapons of war," either.


But then again, when you've got someone who is convinced that gun buybacks work and that people should donate to the cause for it, what can you expect?

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