Gun Group's Existence Proves We're Actually Winning

AP Photo/Carlos Osorio

Gun control advocates seemingly control every institution people get information from. The schools, the media, entertainment, pretty much everything has a profound anti-gun bias. It's only through the exitence of the internet that alternative forms of media can really combat the misinformation spread by anti-Second Amendment forces.


Yet despite this fact, gun control hasn't been winning.

Sure, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act happened, but that was after years of relentless assault by gun control advocates and a particularly horrific massacre. It's also a measure that's already getting significant pushback because it's clear none of the handful of Republicans who backed the measure bothered to read it.

But in the battle for the Second Amendment, there's been one group coming under fire recently.

Calling itself 97Percent, it claims to speak for 97 percent of people who favor gun control, including gun owners. In fact, they've been trying to present themselves as ultimately being pro-gun, but just in favor of a few restrictions.

That veneer was blown out of the water recently.

Still, they continue. One of their latest stunts was to basically steal photographs from pro-gun women and present them for Women's History Month, thus presenting the idea that women like Julie Golob and Rhonda Ezell supported them when, in fact, they don't.

The whole schtick for 97Percent is to pretend they speak for gun owners, but if all the work other gun control groups is working politically, why pretend to speak for gun owners? Why would anyone need to do any such thing?

In truth of the matter is that they aren't exactly winning.

Over and over, pro-gun politicians defeat the vast majority of anti-gun legislation at the federal level. Sure, they win at the state level, but generally only in states that have a long history of favoring gun control or who have recently shifted the politics leftward on more than the Second Amendment.


In other words, the crowd it's easy for them to win with.

Most people aren't interested in the rhetoric because, frankly, so many people value the right to keep and bear arms. They're either gun owners or they're listening when gun owners point out the issues with gun control.

So a group of anti-gunners rallied together and formed an anti-gun group pretending to be part of the gun community because, frankly, they want to trick people into supporting anti-Second Amendment laws.

Look at them for a moment. There's no difference between 97Percent and Brady or Everytown except that they pretend to be part of the gun community. It's about framing rather than substance. It's Yugo internals in a Camaro body.

But why would they have to trick people of the gun control group was winning? Why, with all the control they enjoy in the media, educational institutions, healthcare, and entertainment industries would they need another group made up of gun owners? If everyone really agrees with them, there'd be no point to any of it.

The truth is, however, that support for gun control has been grossly overstated. Polls asking about universal background checks simply ask people if they support background checks. They ask about red flag laws by simply framing it as taking guns away from dangerous people, omitting how little it would take to be considered "dangerous."


When people find the nuts and bolts of these measures, we find that support evaporates, which means 97Percent's foundational claim--the claim that 97 percent of people support gun control--vanisihes entirely.

And I think they know it.

As we've already noted, they push the exact same things that Big Gun Control tries to foist on the American public such as permit-to-purchase requirements and permit-to-own laws, measures the vast majority of gun owners, to say nothing of the general public, oppose.

We know who they are and we know they exist because Brady and Moms Demand Action weren't getting the job done, especially with people who recognized their "gun safety" and "gun sense" euphemisms were just gun control in drag.

We're winning, they know it, and they're desperate.

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