Supreme Court Distributes Calkifornia Gun Show Ban Case to Conference

AP Photo/Yakima Herald-Republic, TJ Mullinax, File

There's a lot of misinformation out there about gun shows, particularly in a state like California. People think it's absolute anarchy at these things, with no rules whatsoever. They constantly repeat the claim that there's a "gun show loophole," as if you can just walk into a gun show and buy a gun with no background check.


Sure, in some states, you can buy one from a private individual you happen to meet at a gun show--sometimes, they might even have a booth to sell off parts of their collection--but the vast majority of dealers are actual dealers, meaning they conduct NICS checks.

In California, with universal background checks in place, even private parties looking to sell guns have to go through a dealer so they can have a background check conducted on the buyer.

If those requirements keep guns out of the hands of criminals, then California gun shows aren't going to arm criminals.

Yet that hasn't stopped lawmakers from trying to make gun shows virtually impossible to hold. They can't go as far as they'd like, but they did ban them on state property. This triggered a challenge via the courts by the Second Amendment Foundation, and the Supreme Court has just distributed that particular case to a conference.

From a press release.

The U.S. Supreme Court has distributed a third Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) case, B&L Productions v. Newsom, for conference on Friday, Jan. 24. 

The case challenges California’s statutes which ban gun shows on state-owned property. Because the gun shows at issue are not only opportunities to view and purchase firearms, but also for like-minded individuals to assemble and share ideas, the case presents questions about both the First and Second Amendments.

“The challenged laws demonstrate California’s unwillingness to respect the constitutional rights of its citizens,” said SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut. “While it is no surprise California continues to demonstrate disdain for the Second Amendment, it also implicates the First Amendment and the ability for individuals to peaceably assemble and enjoy constitutionally protected freedoms. We are hopeful the Supreme Court will intervene and send a clear message to those who wish to trample our civil liberties.”  

SAF filed its Petition for Cert in November of last year, and is joined by B&L Productions, the California Rifle & Pistol Association, South Bay Rod & Gun Club, Asian Pacific American Gun Owners Association, Second Amendment Law Center, L.A.X. Firing Range, and several private citizens. 

“California has been trying to regulate gun shows out of existence for some time,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “It is alarming that the government of any state would attempt to legislate against the First Amendment rights of people who want to exercise their Second Amendment rights, and we will pursue this case for as long as it takes to see that justice is served.” 


Let's understand that the only reason California didn't ban gun shows entirely is because they couldn't figure out any way in which they might get away with it.

I find it funny, though, how the same people who say all these laws work to keep criminals from buying guns oppose the gun shows where these laws are in effect. They can't have a gun show on state property because the gun laws that work so well...might not work at all?

Obviously, the laws don't work as advertised, but the truth is that the issue isn't because of gun shows. Most criminals aren't going to a place where they're going to be forced to undergo background checks. Plus, contrary to popular belief, there aren't legions of sellers at gun shows where NICS checks aren't going to be required.

No, this is about something else.

Note how it's mentioned by Gottlieb that gun shows allow like-minded people to congregate. That's the problem.

Gun control advocates would really prefer we all feel isolated; cut off from others who share our views. Humans are tribal. We need to be part of a group in some way, and if we're on the outside, we might start shifting our views to conform with the masses. At a minimum, we're less likely to voice our opinions on guns and gun control.

That allows them to say what they want.

Yet at gun shows, people recognize that they're not alone. It helps them to psychologically hold firm.

That's the problem. That's why California wants to kill gun shows.

And now the Supreme Court is taking the first step in deciding the case. Here's hoping California has a very rough time.


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