UK Set to Ramp Up Its Anti-Weapon Stupidity Even More

AP Photo/John Locher

Our opposition to gun control hinges on a couple of concepts. One, of course, is that it's our right and that right "shall not be infringed," but the other is that trying to keep bad people from doing bad things by keeping certain items out of reach isn't really a workable strategy.


Over and over, we've seen criminals get guns.

Yet let's say you're not a very gun-owning country when you essentially ban firearms in the first place. What then? Well, the UK saw a massive uptick in knife attacks. That prompted knife control, despite knives being essential tools used in every household.

Now, they're trying to make it even harder to get knives.

People buying knives online will be asked for two types of identification under new government plans to prevent underage sales following the murder of three girls in Southport.

Axel Rudakubana, who admitted this week to killing the young girls last summer, bought the knife he killed them with from Amazon when he was 17, despite it being illegal to sell knives to under-18s.

Rudakubana, who also admitted 10 counts of attempted murder, had been referred to the anti-terror programme Prevent three times.

The government is proposing buyers will be asked to record a live video and submit an identity document, such as a passport, to prove their age.

Currently, when someone orders knives on Amazon they have to enter their date of birth and are told: "Valid photographic ID with a date of birth may also be required upon delivery.

"The driver will input your year of birth into their device and may then require an ID check to complete the age verification process."

What happened in that incident is absolutely horrific, but the law was meant to keep him from getting a knife and he found a way around that. Now, they want anyone looking to buy a knife to record a video and submit a picture ID just to get a knife. Does no one see how easy it would be to get around that while just making it more and more difficult for regular folks to get a knife they might need for cooking?


They haven't figured out yet that this wanker would have still committed some kind of atrocity regardless of what tools were available to him. Some of those methods could have resulted in far more carnage than what we saw.

Plus, I wrote about this when it happened. Adults tried valiantly to stop this attacker. However, under UK law, none of them were armed with literally anything they could use to stop this maniac.

This vile piece of filth murdered two young girls and hurt eight other people, and for what? To make a point? Because he just needed to explode? Why would anyone think such a person would stop because you've now told him he needs to record a selfie video just to buy a knife?

This is absolutely insane, and it'll do nothing except hurt people who sell knives in the UK. 

To think that this is the same country that once all but ruled the world. Now, they're freaking out over knives and still can't see that weapons control policies don't work.

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