Did Moms Demand cultists get caught lying about Staples gun policy? Again?

Moms Demand Action gun control cultists were nailed just weeks ago attempting to gang-bully a Staples store manager in Arlington,Virginia, into posting a “no guns” sign on his store. This would have been against the corporate policy of simply complying with state law, which is a standard followed by most nationwide chains.


Apparently, they aren’t done attempting to bully Staples into infringing on the rights of American citizens.

This time, they’re improbably attempting to claim that an “Phoenix-area” Arizona Staples bans guns.

That’s an interesting claim, as A.R.S. § 4-229 —the law cited in the sticker that the cultist is posing beside—covers establishments that sell alcohol for consumption on-site.

Is Staples a bar now? The sticker simply doesn’t make sense.

Click to enlarge

I suspect that what we’re looking at is another gun control cultist posting businesses, which is a recent trend in the anti-gun cult where activists will put up a “no guns” sign on their own.

Did the Moms Demand activist posing beside the sticker post it herself?

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