Audit of Everytown's Claimed 200+ School Shootings Since Sandy Hook

Yesterday, Hayley Miller, a reporter for the Huffington Post, uncritically regurgitated an Everytown claim that there have been 200 school shootings since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School that claimed 26 innocent lives.


There have been over 200 school shooting incidents ― an average of nearly one a week ― since the horrifying morning when 20-year-old Adam Lanza marched into Sandy Hook Elementary School and did the unthinkable.

Four years ago today, Lanza shot and killed his mother in her home in Newtown, Connecticut, before making his way to the school and opening fire, leaving 20 children and six staff members dead.

According to data from Everytown for Gun Safety, which tracks gun violence and other shootings on school grounds, there have been at least 94 gun-related deaths and more than 156 people injured as a result of more than 200 school shooting incidents since Sandy Hook.

Everytown’s claim is stunning… and not remotely credible.

Based on past debunkings of Everytown’s faked school shooting report, we decided that it was time to take a hard look at the claimed school shootings, most of which Everytown lists here (PDF) hoping that no one looks too close at the data.

Let’s take a look at those claimed events, shall we?

As gun control groups are always using the term “commonsense,” we’ll use the following definition of  school shooting: a school shooting is an on-campus attack with firearms against the faculty, staff, or students that occurs on a school campus during school hours or during school functions. We’ll also include attacks on college students in and near their on-campus dorms.

Unlike Everytown, we’ll make sure to link to all of these events, so you can do further research on your own.

Here we go.


1/7/13 FORT MYERS, FL Apostolic Revival Center Christian School

The incident in question was what authorities believe was a drug deal gone bad, occurred off-campus.


Starting off with a lie is bad, but gives us a pretty good indication that Everytown is far less interested in the truth than they are pushing a narrative.

Fact Check Tally: 0 School Shootings | 1 Everytown Lie

1/10/13 TAFT, CA Taft Union High School 

This was a legitimate school shooting. The gunman brought a gun into a school classroom and opened fire on other students. This is our first conventional school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 1 School Shooting | 1 Everytown Lie

1/15/13 HAZARD, KY Hazard Community and Tech

According to Hazard Police Chief Minor Allen, this was a domestic violence incident in a parking lot that “was not related to the school in any way.” Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 1 School Shooting | 2 Everytown Lies

1/15/13 ST. LOUIS, MO Stevens Institute of Business & Arts

This was a shooting of a college administrator in a dispute over financial aid. This was a legitimate school shooting, our second.

Fact Check Tally: 2 School Shootings | 2 Everytown Lies

1/16/13 CHICAGO, IL Chicago State University

The tragic shooting of Tyrone Lawson by a couple of suspected gang members in a parking lot at 95th Street and King Drive in Chicago was near, but not on the campus of Chicago State University. Not  school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 2 School Shootings | 3 Everytown Lies

1/22/13 HOUSTON, TX Lone Star College North Harris Campus

Trey Foster shot several people on the school’s campus after a personal dispute. This is an actual on-campus shooting, even if not what most would envision when picturing a “school shooting.” That brings Everytown up to 50% with this atypical school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 3 School Shootings | 3 Everytown Lies

1/31/13 ATLANTA, GA Price Middle School

A teen shot another student in the middle school’s courtyard before being disarmed by the school’s SRO (school resource officer/campus police). This was a more conventional school shooting, the third we’ve encountered so far that matches the common perception of a perpetrator opening fire against students.

Fact Check Tally: 4 School Shootings | 3 Everytown Lies

2/1/13 ATLANTA, GA Morehouse College

Cornelius Savage was shot by Amir Obafemi over a pickup basketball game just inside the doorway of the Samuel H. Archer Hall Recreation and Fitness Center. Again atypical, but an on-campus attack of a student. We’ll count it.

Fact Check Tally: 5 School Shootings | 3 Everytown Lies

2/7/13 FORT PIERCE, FL Indian River State College

Fort Pierce Police Chief Sean Baldwin said that a police chase that went across the city that ended up in a shootout between the suspect and the police in a campus parking lot was “just a coincidence.” This was not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 5 School Shootings | 4 Everytown Lies

2/13/13 SAN LEANDRO, CA Hillside Elementary School

A man shot another man over $5 owned in a dice game at 8:45 PM, long after the school was closed. This shooting had nothing at all to due with the school, the students, the faculty, or the staff. This was not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 5 School Shootings | 5 Everytown Lies

2/27/13 ATLANTA, GA Henry W. Grady High School

Morgan Tukes, 17, negligently discharged a bullet into her own leg. This was not an attack, and is therefore not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 5 School Shootings | 6 Everytown Lies

3/18/13 ORLANDO, FL University of Central Florida

James Oliver Seevakumaran planned a school shooting, but was thwarted when his roommate called 911 and he committed suicide in his apartment instead. He did live in on-campus and he meant to carry out an attack, so we’ll count it as an atypical.

Fact Check Tally: 6 School Shootings | 6 Everytown Lies

3/21/13 SOUTHGATE, MI Davidson Middle School

A student committed suicide on campus. While tragic, this was not an attack nor meant to be and therefore not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 6 School Shootings | 7 Everytown Lies

4/12/13 CHRISTIANSBURG, VA New River Community College

A student drove to a community campus college and opened fire on his fellow students. This is our fourth conventional school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 7 School Shootings | 7 Everytown Lies

4/13/13 ELIZABETH CITY, NC Elizabeth City State University

A student was targeted walking back to his dorm on the ECSU. Atypical, but still an attack against a student on campus.

Fact Check Tally: 8 School Shootings | 7 Everytown Lies

4/15/13 GRAMBLING, LA Grambling State University

Three students were shot outside a dormitory at night. This atypical shooting counts.

Fact Check Tally: 9 School Shootings | 7 Everytown Lies

4/16/13 TUSCALOOSA, AL Stillman College

A shooting over an apparent gambling debt. Atypical, but still a shooting of a student by a student on campus.

Fact Check Tally: 10 School Shootings | 7 Everytown Lies

4/29/13 CINCINNATI, OH La Salle High School

A suicide attempt without any attempt to hurt any students, faculty, or staff. Horrific, but not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 10 School Shootings | 8 Everytown Lies

5/3/13 HATTIESBURG, MS University of Southern Mississipi

Negligent discharge by a college student into his own leg in his own vehicle on campus. While stupid, it wasn’t a crime, and isn’t a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 10 School Shootings | 9 Everytown Lies

6/7/13 SANTA MONICA, CA Santa Monica College

An actual mass shooting, but not a school shooting, according to the authorities themselves.

Authorities cautioned that the incidents were not directly related to the community college. They said the school just happened to be where the shootings ended.

“This is not a school shooting,” said Al Vasquez, chief of the Santa Monica College Police Department. “This began off-campus and it was unfortunate that the suspect chose SMC to continue his crimes.”

Fact Check Tally: 10 School Shootings | 10 Everytown Lies

6/19/13 WEST PALM BEACH, FL Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

A custodian murdered two co-workers overnight over what appears to be a personal matter. School was not in session, and no students were on campus. It find it hard to classify this as a school shooting since there was not school being held.

Fact Check Tally: 10 School Shootings | 11 Everytown Lies

8/15/13 CLARKSVILLE, TN Northwest High School

A narcotics murder in a parking lot between known felons, at night, over summer break? Everytown, you’re just embarrassing yourself at this point.


Fact Check Tally: 10 School Shootings | 12 Everytown Lies

8/20/13 DECATUR, GA Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy

I remember this one. This was a cry for help from a young man who never attempted to hurt any faculty, staff, or students, and even stated precisely that. School clerk Antoinette Tuff talked him him into surrendering. He didn’t attempt to shoot any faculty, staff, or students, and there were no injuries of any kind, it doesn’t count.

Fact Check Tally: 10 School Shootings | 13 Everytown Lies

8/22/13 MEMPHIS, TN Westside Elementary School

5-year-old had a gun in his backpack that negligently discharged. “No evidence of harmful intent,” according to the school district. Disturbing, but not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 10 School Shootings | 14 Everytown Lies

8/23/13 SARDIS, MS North Panola High School

A shootout between gangs that occurred after a high school football game. It’s not a classic school shooting, but it was an attack that occurred after a school function on campus involving a student. It’s an atypical.

Fact Check Tally: 11 School Shootings | 14 Everytown Lies

8/30/13 WINSTON-SALEM, NC Carver High School

A student shot another student on campus during the school day over an on-going personal dispute. A legitimate-by-any-definition school shooting. Our fifth conventional school shooting out of 26 cases so far, if you’re keeping score at home.

Fact Check Tally: 12 School Shootings | 14 Everytown Lies

9/21/13 SAVANNAH, GA Savannah State University

A non-student was shot and killed at an on-campus housing complex at 3:30 AM. As we’re counting those shootings that affect students that live in dorms, not non-students we could toss this one, but we’ll give them the benefit of the doubt on this one.

Fact Check Tally: 13 School Shootings | 14 Everytown Lies

9/28/13 GRAY, ME Gray-New Gloucester High School

Random non-student commits suicide on a Saturday in a school parking lot. Really, Everytown?

Fact Check Tally: 13 School Shootings | 15 Everytown Lies

10/4/13 PINE HILLS, FL Agape Christian Academy

A non-student came onto campus and shot two students (one of whom appears to have been the target) then fled. Personal dispute, but was on campus during the school day and the victims were both students.This is our sixth conventional school shooting of 29 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 14 School Shootings | 15 Everytown Lies

10/15/13 AUSTIN, TX Lanier High School

Another sad on-campus suicide. Not an attack on any faculty, staff, or students. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 14 School Shootings | 16 Everytown Lies

10/21/13 SPARKS, NV Sparks Middle School

Student shot and killed a teacher and wounded two others before killing himself. Our seventh conventional shoot shooting in 31 cases so far.

Fact Check Tally: 15 School Shootings | 16 Everytown Lies

11/1/13 ALGONA, IA Algona High/Middle School

A 23-year-old who had committed suicide was discovered at 1:20 AM on a Friday morning. Not  school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 15 School Shootings | 17 Everytown Lies

11/2/13 GREENSBORO, NC North Carolina A&T State University

A student was hit at approximately 10:00 PM by a bullet fired from “a considerable distance.” It was on-campus and the wounded man was a student. Atypical but it counts.

Fact Check Tally: 16 School Shootings | 17 Everytown Lies

11/3/13 STONE MOUNTAIN, GA Stephenson High School

Student who was an innocent bystander was hit in a shootout between non-students. He was on campus. While non-conventional, it counts.

Fact Check Tally: 17 School Shootings | 17 Everytown Lies

11/21/13 RAPID CITY, SD South Dakota School of Mines & Technology

A professor committed suicide. A tragedy, but not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 17 School Shootings | 18 Everytown Lies

12/4/13 WINTER GARDEN, FL West Orange High School

Student shot another student in an on-campus fight. This counts. This is our eighth conventional school shooting of 36 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 18 School Shootings | 18 Everytown Lies

12/13/13 CENTENNIAL, CO Arapahoe High School

This was an attempted mass shooting by an angry Marxist student thwarted by a school resource officer’s (SRO) incredibly fast response. There was regrettably one casualty. This is one of several instances where SROs have kept a Sandy Hook-type mass shooting from occurring on campus, and another incident that validates the National School Shield concept and the work done by the Homeland Security Institute at Purdue University, which shows that when school campuses are protected by a combination of armed SROs and concealed carrying faculty and staff, casualties are greatly reduced. Ninth “conventional” school shooting of 37 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 19 School Shootings | 18 Everytown Lies

12/19/13 FRESNO, CA Edison High School

This was an armed robbery/shooting by gang members well after school hours. Nice try, Everytown.

Fact Check Tally: 19 School Shootings | 19 Everytown Lies


1/9/14 JACKSON, TN Liberty Technology Magnet High School

One student shot another after school, on campus. It counts as out 10th conventional school shooting, of 39 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 20 School Shootings | 19 Everytown Lies

1/14/14 ROSWELL, NM Berrendo Middle School

A conventional on-campus student-on-student shooting. 11th conventional school shooting so far of 40.

Fact Check Tally: 21 School Shootings | 19 Everytown Lies

1/15/14 LANCASTER, PA King Elementary School

A non-attack. One of two black males on the edge of school property discharged a handgun, but not at the faculty, staff, or students. Everytown is trying to pull a fast one, again. They don’t get credit for this.

Fact Check Tally: 21 School Shootings | 20 Everytown Lies

1/17/14 PHILADELPHIA, PA Delaware Valley Charter High School

A student shot two other students in the school gym. Count it. 12th conventional school shooting so far.

Fact Check Tally: 22 School Shootings | 20 Everytown Lies

1/20/14 CHESTER, PA Widener University

According to authorities, this appears to be a targeted shooting that took place behind a sports complex on a Monday night. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 22 School Shootings | 21 Everytown Lies

1/21/14 WEST LAFAYETTE, IN Purdue University

Grad student murder of another grad student. Count it. 13th conventional shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 23 School Shootings | 21 Everytown Lies

1/24/14 ORANGEBURG, SC South Carolina State University

A student was murdered in on-campus housing at 1:20 AM. Not conventional, but an on-campus murder of a student.

Fact Check Tally: 24 School Shootings | 21 Everytown Lies

1/28/14 GRAMBLING, LA Grambling State University

Three students shot outside a dorm by non-students. Unconventional, but as we’re counting shootings outside dorms of students, we’re counting it.

Fact Check Tally: 25 School Shootings | 21 Everytown Lies

1/28/14 NASHVILLE, TN Tennessee State University

No one associated with the university involved in shooting.” That was the freaking headline, Everytown.

Fact Check Tally: 24 School Shootings | 22 Everytown Lies

1/31/14 PHOENIX, AZ Cesar Chavez High School

Gang fight, at night, outside the school. No students involved.

Lt. Sean Connelly, who oversees the Phoenix Police Department’s Gang Enforcement Unit, said the altercation came from a chance encounter and that none of the suspects were students from either school.

Lazy, Everytown. Even for you.

Fact Check Tally: 24 School Shootings | 23 Everytown Lies

1/31/14 DES MOINES, IA North High School

Once again, gang-related, at night, after a basketball game, but no evidence the shooting was on campus.

“There’s no other evidence that they found that tied, that indicated the shooting of any kind,” Halifax said. “No victims on scene. Nobody had been hit. No cartridge cases were found.”

Fact Check Tally: 24 School Shootings | 24 Everytown Lies

2/7/14 BEND, OR Bend High School

Campus suicide. Shooter did not try to harm anyone else.

Fact Check Tally: 24 School Shootings | 25 Everytown Lies

2/10/14 SALISBURY, NC Salisbury High School

Shooting took place off campus. Attacker was a non-student. Shooting was in apparent retaliation of ran incident that took place the weekend before, also off-campus.


Fact Check Tally: 24 School Shootings | 26 Everytown Lies

2/11/14 LYNDHURST, OH Charles F. Brush High School

Non-students shot at another non-student in a fight over a girl in the parking lot outside a high school basketball game. No sale.

Fact Check Tally: 24 School Shootings | 27 Everytown Lies

2/12/14 JACKSON, TN Union University

A domestic incident, specifically, a man murdered his fiance and made it look like a suicide. Was on campus killing of a student by another student after hours. 14th, barely “conventional” school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 25 School Shootings | 27 Everytown Lies

2/20/14 RAYTOWN, MO Raytown Success Academy

Killing was in a conference center parking lot, not a school. Lazy, Everytown.

Fact Check Tally: 25 School Shootings | 28 Everytown Lies

3/2/14 WESTMINSTER, MD McDaniel College

An off-campus incident may have lead to shots being fired through a dormitory lobby window. There are no definitive links however, tying the incidents together, and it does not appear there were ever any arrests. Whiteford Hall is on the edge of campus, and there’s simply no way of knowing why the shots were fired. There’s simply too much ambiguity to include this as a school shooting. Everytown should be ashamed.

Fact Check Tally: 25 School Shootings | 29 Everytown Lies

3/7/14 TALLULAH, LA Madison Parish High School

The incident took place behind the school on a Friday night. There is no confirmation it took place on the school’s campus. The linked story is the only media mention of the incident at all. Once again, there’s too little information to call this even an unconventional school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 25 School Shootings | 30 Everytown Lies

3/8/14 OSHKOSH, WI University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh

A non-student fired a single bullet into the ceiling of a dance held on campus at 11:00 PM on a Saturday night. Certainly not a conventional shooting, but we’ll count it.

Fact Check Tally: 26 School Shootings | 30 Everytown Lies

3/23/14 NEWARK, DE University of Delaware

Other than self-referential links back to Everytown, I can find no evidence at all of a supposed shooting in a University of Delaware parking lot.

Fact Check Tally: 26 School Shootings | 31 Everytown Lies

3/30/14 SAVANNAH, GA Savannah State University

A student shot another student in an apparent armed robbery outside a campus residence hall. Not a conventional shoot shooting, but we are counting those outside of dorms.

Fact Check Tally: 27 School Shootings | 31 Everytown Lies

4/2/14 KENT, OH Kent State University

A student negligently discharged a round into his hand during an argument. As we can’t discern intent and there was an argument and he may have been intending to threaten the other person, we’ll count it as an atypical.

Fact Check Tally: 28 School Shootings | 31 Everytown Lies

4/11/14 DETROIT, MI East English Village Preparatory Academy

Innocent bystander hit in a gang-on-gang drive-by after an after-hours event. Yeah… no.

Fact Check Tally: 28 School Shootings | 32 Everytown Lies

4/21/14 GRIFFITH, IN St. Mary Catholic School

Domestic murder in a parking lot after school hours. Horrible story. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 28 School Shootings | 33 Everytown Lies

4/21/14 PROVO, UT Provo High School

Student on the fringe of campus attempted and failed suicide, then called to report the incident himself. Not an attack, and not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 28 School Shootings | 34 Everytown Lies

4/26/14 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA Iowa Western Community College

Saturday afternoon “Craiglist”-type swap turned robbery. Not remotely what one would consider a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 28 School Shootings | 35 Everytown Lies

5/2/14 MILWAUKEE, WI Marquette University

Even the headline says “near campus” in this botched robbery. Again, not close to being a school shooting by even the most charitable definition.

Fact Check Tally: 28 School Shootings | 36 Everytown Lies

5/3/14 EVERETT, WA Horizon Elementary

Two groups of non-students got into a fight on a Saturday afternoon on a outdoor basketball court, and one of the guys was shot. Not remotely a school shooting. Everytown isn’t even trying anymore.

Fact Check Tally: 28 School Shootings | 36 Everytown Lies

5/4/14 AUGUSTA, GA Paine College

One student shot another in a Saturday argument in a campus administration building. This is a legitimate school shooting, the 15th we’ve encountered in 65 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 29 School Shootings | 36 Everytown Lies

5/5/14 AUGUSTA, GA Paine College

Same college, next day. A student was injured by debris from what are believed to be bullets fired through a dorm wall. Unconventional but it counts.

Fact Check Tally: 30 School Shootings | 36 Everytown Lies

5/8/14 LAWRENCEVILLE, GA Georgia Gwinnett College

An apparent suicide attempt on a parking deck that didn’t even trigger a lockdown at the school. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 30 School Shootings | 37 Everytown Lies

5/8/14 GEORGETOWN, KY Georgetown College

Idiot playing with gun cutting across a corner of the campus after a party at 1:30 AM negligently discharges a round into his buddy. A crime? Yes. A School Shooting? Nope.

Fact Check Tally: 30 School Shootings | 38 Everytown Lies

5/21/14 MILWAUKEE, WI Clarke Street School Playground

10-year-old girl playing on a school playground when two thugs decided to have a shootout one evening. Horrific she was caught in the crossfire. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 30 School Shootings | 39 Everytown Lies

6/5/14 SEATTLE, WA Seattle Pacific University

An attempted mass shooting on a school campus. More killing was thwarted by a student who is a shooting enthusiast and NRA supporter, who also kept the killer from committing suicide. A “conventional” school shooting, the 16th of 70 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 31 School Shootings | 39 Everytown Lies 

6/10/14 TROUTDALE, OR Reynolds High School

An attempted mass shooting that was quickly shut down by armed school RSOs rapidly responding to the scene. A “conventional” school shooting, the 17th of 71 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 32 School Shootings | 39 Everytown Lies 

6/23/14 BENTON, MO Kelly High School

An accidental/negligent shooting after school hours in a school parking lot. Decidedly not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 32 School Shootings | 40 Everytown Lies 

6/27/14 MIAMI, FL University of Miami

Transvestite domestic violence attempted murder of a college instructor.  Bizarre, but it is “conventional” according to our criteria, and our 18th.

Fact Check Tally: 33 School Shootings | 40 Everytown Lies 

8/13/14 FREDRICK, MD Heather Ridge High School

Two idiots who had a problem with one another decided to shoot at each other, well after school hours, when no one else was on campus.  Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 33 School Shootings | 41 Everytown Lies 

8/14/14 NEWPORT NEWS, VA Saunders Elementary School

Non-student killed two non-students at 1:30 AM during summer break. Really, Everytown? Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 33 School Shootings | 42 Everytown Lies 

9/2/14 POCATELLO, ID Idaho State University

Professor with a concealed carry permit negligently discharged a round into his own foot. Stupid, but not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 33 School Shootings | 43 Everytown Lies 

9/5/14 SAVANNAH, GA Savannah State University

Another on-campus shooting at Savannah State. Don’t go there. Ever. It counts as an atypical school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 34 School Shootings | 43 Everytown Lies 

9/10/14 LAKE MARY, FL Greenwood Lakes Middle School

A tragic student suicide. Never an attempt to hurt anyone else. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 34 School Shootings | 44 Everytown Lies 

9/11/14 TAYLORSVILLE, UT Westbrook Elementary School

Negligent discharge by a teacher in the bathroom. Not anything remotely like an attack, or a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 34 School Shootings | 44 Everytown Lies 

9/27/14 NASHVILLE, TN Tennessee State University

Suspected drug deal gone bad off campus  at 1:00 AM on property owned by House of God church. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 34 School Shootings | 45 Everytown Lies 


9/29/14 TERRE HAUTE, IN Indiana State University

Student shot in an illegal dice game at a residence hall. Allowed as an typical school shooting due to our generous “residence hall rule.”

Fact Check Tally: 35 School Shootings | 45 Everytown Lies 

9/30/14 LOUISVILLE, KY Fern Creek High School

Student shot another student in school. This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 19th of 81 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 36 School Shootings | 45 Everytown Lies 

9/30/14 ALBERMARLE, NC Albermarle High School

An on-campus, student to student shooting. This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 20th of 82 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 37 School Shootings | 45 Everytown Lies 

10/3/14 FAIRBURN, GA Langston Hughes High School

Non-student shot in a parking lot at 10:00 PM on a Friday night. Gang involvement suspected. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 37 School Shootings | 46 Everytown Lies 

10/8/14 ELIZABETH CITY, NC Elizabeth City State University

An armed robbery involving non-students at 1:14 AM? Yeah… not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 37 School Shootings | 47 Everytown Lies 

10/13/14 NASHVILLE, TN Tennessee State University

Dorm room drug-related armed robbery. Everytown is lucky we have the dorm rule in place.

Fact Check Tally: 38 School Shootings | 47 Everytown Lies 

10/18/14 LANGSTON, OK Langston University

Non-student shot after a fight in a university-owned apartment complex. “Dorm rule” favors Everytown once again.

Fact Check Tally: 39 School Shootings | 47 Everytown Lies 

10/21/14 MEMPHIS, TN A. Maceo Walker Middle School

Stupid kid shoots self showing a gun to friends. Not an attack, not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 39 School Shootings | 48 Everytown Lies 

10/24/14 MARYSVILLE, WA Marysville Pilchuck High School

The deadliest mass shooting in a high school in a decade, and the first successful mass shooting on a school campus since Sandy Hook. This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 21st of 88 claimed, and the only mass school shooting on the list.

Fact Check Tally: 40 School Shootings | 48 Everytown Lies 

11/20/14 TALLAHASSEE, FL Florida State University

A former student opened fire outside the library at FSU, wounding three before being killed by police. Ironically, one of the wounded has a concealed carry permit, but was disarmed by campus policy. He might have ended the rampage before it got going.This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 22nd of 89 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 41 School Shootings | 48 Everytown Lies 

11/23/14 ANNAPOLIS, MD St. John’s College

Teen non-student shot during private party in rented facility after midnight on a weekend. Nope. Not a legitimate school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 41 School Shootings | 49 Everytown Lies 

12/5/14 CLAREMORE, OK Rogers State University

Domestic on campus. Former cop tried to murder his ex through a school building window. She was a student on campus, so it counts even though it could have happened anywhere. 23rd conventional.

Fact Check Tally: 42 School Shootings | 49 Everytown Lies 

12/17/14 WATERVILLE, ME Benton Elementary School

Man with no connection to the school committed suicide in his car in the school parking lot. Tragic, but not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 42 School Shootings | 50 Everytown Lies 

12/17/14 PITTSBURGH, PA Sunnyside Elementary School

20-year-old non-student shot 11:00 PM the night before in a car in the school parking lot. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 42 School Shootings | 51 Everytown Lies 


1/15/15 MILWAUKEE, WI Wisconsin Lutheran High School

Non-student fired a shot that injured a teacher and a student during a school function at night. We’ll allow it as an conventional, and our 24th.

Fact Check Tally: 43 School Shootings | 51 Everytown Lies 

1/16/15 OCALA, FL Vanguard High School

Two people were hit in a shooting on a Friday night in a parking lot outside a high school basketball game. They don’t appear to be the targets, and there’s no evidence putting the shooter on campus. There’s simply not enough evidence to classify this as any kind of a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 43 School Shootings | 52 Everytown Lies 

1/20/15 MOBILE, AL Williamson High School

A man was shot near the high school as he passed by. The location of the shooter was not known. This isn’t close to being a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 43 School Shootings | 53 Everytown Lies 

1/26/15 ROSEVILLE, MN Hand and Hand Montessori School

A man committed suicide on a private school campus in his car. While a bullet hit the school, it was not aimed at anyone and the police do not think he was attempting to hurt anyone else. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 43 School Shootings | 54 Everytown Lies 

2/2/15 MANKATO, MN Minnesota State University

An Iraq War veteran committed suicide. Very sad. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 43 School Shootings | 55 Everytown Lies 

2/4/15 FREDERICK, MD Frederick High School

Two non-students were shot by a group of 4 males in a targeted shooting in a field on the edge of the school’s property at 8:00 PM. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 43 School Shootings | 56 Everytown Lies 

2/4/15 COLUMBIA, SC University of South Carolina

A domestic murder-suicide on campus. It could have happened anywhere, but it counts as our 25th of 100 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 44 School Shootings | 56 Everytown Lies 

2/15/15 LITTLE ROCK, AR Lawson Elementary School

It took place at 2:00 AM on a Sunday morning. Not remotely a legitimate school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 44 School Shootings | 57 Everytown Lies 

2/15/15 MERCED, CA Tenaya Middle School

Shot to death on a Sunday night. Not a legitimate school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 44 School Shootings | 58 Everytown Lies 

2/15/15 ATHENS, GA University of Georgia

Frat boy fired a gun in the air at his frat house. It’s dubious, but falls under our campus housing rule as an atypical.

Fact Check Tally: 45 School Shootings | 58 Everytown Lies 

2/23/15 DAYTONA BEACH, FL Bethune-Cookman University

Three apparently random men were grazed by bullets on a Monday evening. Shooter was not located, and it isn’t known if they were targeted, or where the shots came from. Not enough information to call this an intentional attack. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 45 School Shootings | 59 Everytown Lies 

3/9/15 COON RAPIDS, MN Northwest Passage High School

Did not happen on campus, but at an apartment complex. Lazy basic fact-finding by Everytown, yet again.

Fact Check Tally: 45 School Shootings | 60 Everytown Lies 

4/2/15 BEAVER FALLS, PA Community College of Beaver County

Idjut ND’d into his leg while cleaning his gun in his car on airport property. Not remotely a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 45 School Shootings | 61 Everytown Lies 

4/2/15 JACKSON, TN Lane College

Student was shot near campus, apparently found near school cafeteria. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 45 School Shootings | 62 Everytown Lies 

4/4/15 EVERETT, WA Everett Community College

A man discharged a round on a Saturday morning. There were not students, faculty, or staff targeted. Not any sort of attack, and not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 45 School Shootings | 63 Everytown Lies 

4/13/15 GOLDSBORO, NC Wayne Community College

Personal vendetta resulting in the murder of a faculty member on campus. This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 26th of 109 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 46 School Shootings | 63 Everytown Lies 

4/17/15 SEGUIN, TX Seguin High School

An unfortunate on-campus suicide. No attempt made to hard faculty, staff, or students. Not a school shooting

Fact Check Tally: 46 School Shootings | 64 Everytown Lies 

4/18/15 DOVER, DE Delaware State University

Three people were shot on a Saturday at a fraternity event. This is a legitimate school shooting, if not a classroom shooting. 27th.

Fact Check Tally: 47 School Shootings | 64 Everytown Lies 

4/19/15 DOVER, DE Delaware State University

The shooting happened in an apartment building a block off campus. Close, but no cigar. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 47 School Shootings | 65 Everytown Lies 

4/19/15 CHARLOTTE, NC Johnson C. Smith University


Non-students denied entrance to a campus party shot a gun and hit an innocent bystander sitting in a car Sunday morning after midnight. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 47 School Shootings | 66 Everytown Lies 

4/22/15 LAS VEGAS, NV Ruthe Deskin Elementary School

Negligent discharge. Not an attack. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 47 School Shootings | 67 Everytown Lies 

4/27/15 LACEY, WA North Thurston High School

An attempted school shooting thwarted by a teacher. This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 28th of 115 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 48 School Shootings | 67 Everytown Lies 

5/4/15 CLEVELAND, OH Willow Elementary School

Happened at 11:00 PM between two adult males in a vehicle in a parking lot. Not remotely a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 48 School Shootings | 68 Everytown Lies 

5/4/15 OREM, UT Utah Valley University

Accidental shooting during a police academy firearms class. Really, Everytown? I’m surprised they don’t try to count every shot fired in class, too. Stupid, but not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 48 School Shootings | 69 Everytown Lies 

5/5/15 CONYERS, GA Conyers Middle School

Weird kid brought gun with a single bullet and fired it into a bathroom wall in a “remote” part of the school. No one was targeted. No one was injured. Not an attack, so not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 48 School Shootings | 70 Everytown Lies 

5/12/15 TEMPE, AZ Corona del Sol High School

A student suicide. He didn’t try to hurt anyone else. Very sad. Not an attack. Not A school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 48 School Shootings | 71 Everytown Lies 

5/20/15 ROBINSON, TX Robinson High School

A suicide in the back of the school parking lot. Not an attack. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 48 School Shootings | 72 Everytown Lies 

5/24/15 FLINT, MI Southwestern Classical Academy

Two non-students shot into a group of people illegally in the school parking lot at 2:00 AM. Not close to being a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 48 School Shootings | 73 Everytown Lies 

5/27/15 EVERGLADES CITY, FL Everglades School

Two adult got in a fight well after school hours while trespassing on school property. One idiot shot at the other. Come on, Everytown. This is just embarrassing for you.

Fact Check Tally: 48 School Shootings | 74 Everytown Lies 

6/4/15 FRANKLIN, NC South Macon Elementary School

Two adults killed a cat hours before school started. Cat not enrolled as a student. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 48 School Shootings | 75 Everytown Lies 

6/23/15 FORT CALHOUN, NE Fort Calhoun Elementary School

Shooting in a school parking lot after hours during summer recess. Really Everytown?

Fact Check Tally: 48 School Shootings | 76 Everytown Lies 

7/5/15 DALLAS, TX Coppell Middle School East

Weekend shooting of non-student while school is in recess. This is simply pathetic. Why Mike Bloomberg has these people still employed after so shamefully embarrassing him is beyond me.

Fact Check Tally: 48 School Shootings | 78 Everytown Lies 

7/24/15 CONVERSE, TX Elolf Elementary School

Shooting took place between two non-students in an isolated parking lot. No faculty, staff, or students were targeted or involved. Not a school shooting.

 Fact Check Tally: 48 School Shootings | 79 Everytown Lies 

7/27/15 GAINESVILLE, FL University of Florida

Non-students shot at a group of other non-students near a dorm where they didn’t live. As the shooting didn’t involve students, it does not count, even with the “dorm rule.”

Fact Check Tally: 48 School Shootings | 80 Everytown Lies 

8/8/15 WICHITA, KS Wichita State University

A former student was murdered in a dormitory parking lot while soliciting a prostitute in the early morning hours. Since the former student was still living in the dorm at the time, we’ll invoke the dorm rule.

Fact Check Tally: 49 School Shootings | 80 Everytown Lies 

8/8/15 PARADISE, TX Paradise High School

A drunk guy drove onto campus and fired several shots at student athletes from the parking lot. While atypical, he was shooting at students and so this counts.

Fact Check Tally: 50 School Shootings | 80 Everytown Lies 

8/23/15 RICHMOND, TX William Velasquez Elementary School

The only incident in this list involving a random bagpiper. Shots were fired on campus, but not at faculty, staff, students, or the bagpiper. Not a school shooting, as there was no attack.

Fact Check Tally: 50 School Shootings | 81 Everytown Lies 

8/25/15 AUGUSTA, GA Hornsby Elementary School

Student negligently discharged a stolen handgun and shot a fellow student. This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 29th of 132 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 51 School Shootings | 81 Everytown Lies

8/26/15 HOUSTON, TX Texas Southern University

Off campus shooting at 8:30 PM in an apartment complex parking lot. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 51 School Shootings | 82 Everytown Lies

8/27/15 SAVANNAH, GA Savannah State University

Another murder on campus at Savannah State. Never send your children to this hellhole. Draft them into a war instead. It might be safer. 30th conventional shooting of 134 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 52 School Shootings | 82 Everytown Lies


9/3/15 SACRAMENTO, CA Sacramento City College

This shooting happened just off campus, and appears related to another shooting well-off campus earlier in the day. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 52 School Shootings | 83 Everytown Lies

9/11/15 LAFAYETTE, LA Northside High School

After school and away from campus.” Need I say more?

Fact Check Tally: 52 School Shootings | 84 Everytown Lies

9/14/15 CLEVELAND, MS Delta State University

Nutjob professor murdered his wife at their home, drove 300 miles, and murdered another professor at a different school before taking his own life. Count it as a conventional, the 31st.

Fact Check Tally: 53 School Shootings | 84 Everytown Lies

9/22/15 STATESVILLE, NC Central Elementary School

Man shot by wife in a domestic incident after hours on school property but outside the school. No faculty, staff, or students were targeted. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 53 School Shootings | 85 Everytown Lies

9/28/15 BUTTE, MT Montana Tech of the University of Montana

Negligent discharge after a student cleaned his handgun in his apartment. Not a targeted shooting, no students, faculty, or staff, were injured. No crime was committed. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 53 School Shootings | 86 Everytown Lies

9/30/15 HARRISBURG, SD Harrisburg High School

A student attempted to murder his principal.This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 32th of 140 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 54 School Shootings | 86 Everytown Lies

10/1.15 ROSEBERG, OR Umpqua Community College

A legitimate mass shooting on a college campus. They didn’t document it at all. This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 33rd of 141 claimed.

 Fact Check Tally: 55 School Shootings | 86 Everytown Lies

10/2/15 UNIVERSITY CITY, MO University City High School

Two morons were “looking at” a handgun in a bathroom when they had a negligent discharge. Was not an targeted attack against any faculty, staff, or students. Not a school shooting.

 Fact Check Tally: 55 School Shootings | 87 Everytown Lies

10/9/15 FLAGSTAFF, AZ Northern Arizona University

A student was attacked at an off-campus party and ran to his car in a parking lot on the edge of campus to retrieve his gun from his car at 1:20 in the morning. He then shot the four people who pursued him. This is not a school shooting in any reasonable interpretation of the term.

 Fact Check Tally: 55 School Shootings | 88 Everytown Lies

10/9/15 HOUSTON, TX Texas Southern University

Shooting near campus.” How embarrassing.

Fact Check Tally: 55 School Shootings | 89 Everytown Lies

10/11/15 TAMPA, FL University of Southern Florida

Student football player shot a gun at a residence hall. No injuries in this atypical school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 56 School Shootings | 89 Everytown Lies

10/15/15 LANGSTON, OK Langston University

A non-student fired shots in the air on campus at 2:30 AM. There does not appear to be any evidence that the suspect tried to harm anyone. This is not a school shooting.


Fact Check Tally: 55 School Shootings | 90 Everytown Lies

10/15/15 SAN ANTONIO, TX Wagner High School

A non-student took a baseball bat to his principal’s car, then shot at it. There was no attempt to target faculty, staff, or students, just the car in the parking lot. This is not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 55 School Shootings | 91 Everytown Lies

10/22/15 NASHVILLE, TN Tennessee State University

A non-student was murdered by two non-students in an illegal dice game held after hours. This was horrible crime, but not a school shooting by any reasonable definition.

Fact Check Tally: 55 School Shootings | 92 Everytown Lies

10/24/15 SAN ANTONIO, TX Ed White Middle School

A man trespassing on campus was shot at 3:00 AM on a Saturday. Not remotely a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 55 School Shootings | 93 Everytown Lies

10/25/15 DURHAM, NC North Carolina Central University

A shooting on the edge of campus at 11:00 PM on a weekend? This is not the school shooting you’re looking for.

Fact Check Tally: 55 School Shootings | 94 Everytown Lies

11/1/15 WINSTON-SALEM, NC Winston-Salem State University

Two students were shot near a dorm, one of whom unfortunately died. This meets our criteria for an atypical school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 56 School Shootings | 94 Everytown Lies

11/5/15 MOULTRIE, GA Vereen School

A combative 9-10 year-old child who was resisting being escorted to a “time-out room” somehow managed to trigger a school resource officer’s gun while it was still holstered. He claimed after the fact that he meant to do it. Did he? I don’t know. We’ll give him credit all the same for this very atypical shooting shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 57 School Shootings | 94 Everytown Lies

11/10/15 LECANTO, FL Lecanto High School

An attempted suicide. Fortunately, the student survived. No attempts were made to harm anyone. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 57 School Shootings | 95 Everytown Lies

11/11/15 SULPHUR ROCK, AR Sulphur Rock Magnet School

A negligent discharge inside a vehicle in a parking lot. Not intentional, not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 57 School Shootings | 96 Everytown Lies

11/29/15 COLUMBUS, OH Ohio State University

A Sunday morning suicide in an art gallery is sad, but is doesn’t come close to meeting any practical definition of a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 57 School Shootings | 97 Everytown Lies

12/18/15 JACKSON, TN Lane College

A non-student fired a shot in the air after a basketball game. Details are very sketchy, but is does not appear there was any sort of a conflict, or that he shot at anyone. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 57 School Shootings | 98 Everytown Lies

12/29/15 GREELEY, CO Aims Community College

An “older man” committed suicide in a car in a community college parking lot.

Fact Check Tally: 57 School Shootings | 99 Everytown Lies

That Everytown report stops that this point, logging no data after 12/29, 2015.

Everytown begins logging 2016 data here.


1/12/2016 Dover, DE Central Middle School

One student stole a gun from his father and gave it to his friend, who then murdered a school toilet. No shots were fired at any humans.

Fact Check Tally: 57 School Shootings | 100 Everytown Lies

1/13/2016 Camden, AR Harmony Grove High School

A student negligently discharged a gun, striking another student. It wasn’t intentional, but a student was shot. We’re counting his one as an atypical.

Fact Check Tally: 58 School Shootings | 100 Everytown Lies

1/20/2016 Indianapolis, IN Northwest Community High School

A man negligently discharged a handgun before school hours as he attempted to lock it up in his glovebox. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 58 School Shootings | 101 Everytown Lies

1/22/2016 Indianapolis, IN Lawrence Central High School

A 17-year-old shot a 15-year-old outside a high school basketball game during a school function. This counts.

Fact Check Tally: 59 School Shootings | 101 Everytown Lies

1/29/2016 Philadelphia, PA Benjamin Franklin High School

Three idiots were arrested after shooting a gun in a stairwell in what appears to be a negligent discharge. Not an attack. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 59 School Shootings | 102 Everytown Lies

2/9/2016 Muskegon Heights High School, MI Muskegon Heights High School

A shooting after a basketball game near the school football field concluded with a law enforcement officer shooting the suspect. As this was a school function it counts.

Fact Check Tally: 60 School Shootings | 102 Everytown Lies

2/12/2016 Glendale, AZ Independence High School

A student murder-suicide on campus during school hours. A clear school shooting, the 34th of 163 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 61 School Shootings | 102 Everytown Lies

2/17/2016 Homosassa, FL Rock Crusher Elementary School

A gun was found on campus. The janitor tried to empty it and ND’d into the ground. Uh… no.

Fact Check Tally: 61 School Shootings | 103 Everytown Lies

2/26/2016 Palestine, TX Palestine High School

Trespassing adults got in a fight after school hours. Appears to be a domestic by people not affiliated with the school. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 61 School Shootings | 104 Everytown Lies

2/29/2016 Middletown, OH Madison High School

A student tried to murder other students during lunch. This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 35th of 166 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 62 School Shootings | 104 Everytown Lies

3/15/2016 Birmingham, AL Huffman High School

A 19 y/o came to school with a gun with an intention of shooting a student. Student was shot at and tackled by the school RSO, a Birmingham police officer. This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 36th of 167 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 63 School Shootings | 104 Everytown Lies

3/21/2016 Atlanta, GA Georgia State University

Drug deal gone bad. Not a school shooting. Another bold lie.

Fact Check Tally: 63 School Shootings | 105 Everytown Lies

3/23/2016 Charlotte, NC Johnson C. Smith University

Dorm room shooting during Spring Break. Dorm rule applies, so a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 64 School Shootings | 105 Everytown Lies

3/27/2016 Tacoma, WA University of Puget Sound

A 3:00 AM robbery attempt is not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 64 School Shootings | 107 Everytown Lies

4/2/2016 Manhattan, KS Kansas State University

Parking deck suicide. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 64 School Shootings | 108 Everytown Lies

4/16/2016 Tuskegee, AL Tuskegee University

A man followed students onto campus after a fight at approximately 4:00 AM and shot them on a parking lot. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 64 School Shootings | 109 Everytown Lies

4/29/2016 Charleston, WV University of Charleston

Mouthbreather doesn’t have a gun in his holster and ND’s in his pocket at a school pool. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 64 School Shootings | 110 Everytown Lies

5/2/2016 Dallas, TX Kimball High School

Student shot himself prior to a meeting with school administrators. This looks like he had ill intent towards school staff, so we’re going with an atypical school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 65 School Shootings | 110 Everytown Lies

5/5/2016 Beltsville, MD High Point High School

A man followed his estranged wife onto school property and murdered her in the parking lot. A horrible situation, but not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 65 School Shootings | 111 Everytown Lies

5/6/2016 Panama City, FL Oscar Patterson Elementary School

Corrections officer ND’d into his own leg in the school parking lot prior to a job interview. We’re guessing he didn’t get the job. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 65 School Shootings | 112 Everytown Lies

5/6/2016 Columbia, MO University of Missouri

Shots fired in the air. “No injuries were reported and campus police said there’s nothing to indicate a threat to the university or students.” Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 65 School Shootings | 113 Everytown Lies

5/6/2016 Twin Falls, ID Robert Stuart Middle School

A stolen gun ND’s in a student’s bag when something snagged the trigger. Not an attack of any kind. Not  a school shooting.


Fact Check Tally: 65 School Shootings | 113 Everytown Lies

5/11/2016 Jamaica, NY St. John’s University

Dorm room drug rip/armed robbery gone awry by non-students. We’re going to let this slide as legitimate but atypical because the dorm room rule.

Fact Check Tally: 66 School Shootings | 113 Everytown Lies

5/13/2016 Greenville, SC Southside High School

Another juvenile ND with a gun in a bookbag. No ill intent towards faculty, staff, or other students detected. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 66 School Shootings | 114 Everytown Lies

5/15/2016 Augusta, KS Augusta High School

Idiot adult trying to adjust a gun in his sock shot himself and fragments hit a woman. Another ND, and not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 66 School Shootings | 115 Everytown Lies

6/1/2016 Los Angeles, CA University of California-Los Angeles

Murder-suicide. A clear school shooting. This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 39th of 182 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 67 School Shootings | 115 Everytown Lies

6/7/2016 Columbia, MO University of Missouri

Negligent discharge. No injuries. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 67 School Shootings | 116 Everytown Lies

6/10/2016 Vallejo, CA Solano Community College

Employee shot himself cleaning a gun in an office on campus. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 67 School Shootings | 117 Everytown Lies

7/7/2016 Dallas, TX El Centro College

Are you freaking kidding me? Everytown is trying to classify the black nationalist murders of Dallas Police officers as a school shooting because the gunman fired from the parking deck of the school. What disgusting human beings they are.

Fact Check Tally: 67 School Shootings | 118 Everytown Lies

7/25/2016 Ava, MO Ava High School

Two former students returned to Ava High School parking lot to confront one another. This wasn’t an attack targeting students, faculty, or staff, but was just an agreed place to meet. One shot the other, then committed suicide. That this occurred on campus instead of down the street or somewhere else is completely irrelevant. Not a school shooting by any reasonable determination.

Fact Check Tally: 67 School Shootings | 119 Everytown Lies

8/25/2016 Booneville, MS Northeast Mississippi Community College

A jogger was shot in the leg on a street that is “on the edge” of campus. Everytown’s desperate for every fake shooting they can get to manufacture an epidemic school shootings. It’s fake news.

Fact Check Tally: 67 School Shootings | 120 Everytown Lies

9/2/2016 Tulsa, OK McLain High School

A student shot another student at a school function.  This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 40th of 188 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 68 School Shootings | 120 Everytown Lies

9/8/2016 Alpine, TX Alpine High School

Horrific. Student intended to murder her stepbrother at school. Shot a girl who discovered her with the gun in the school bathroom, then committed suicide. This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 41st of 189 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 69 School Shootings | 120 Everytown Lies

9/9/2016 Montgomery, AL Auburn University at Montgomery

Two non-students got into a fight at a parking lot on campus property. One shot the other and the cops immediately took him into custody. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 69 School Shootings | 121 Everytown Lies

9/9/2016 Cedar Rapids, IA Cedar Rapids Jefferson High School

A student died of a self-inflicted wound one day after shooting himself behind the school. Very sad. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 69 School Shootings | 122 Everytown Lies

9/15/2016 Stephenville, TX Tarleton State University

A concealed carrier self-reported a negligent discharge. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 69 School Shootings | 123 Everytown Lies

9/28/2016 Townville, SC Townville Elementary School

I’m still angry about this one. Teen murdered his father drove to a nearby school, and shot two kids and a teacher, killing one. A firefighter who was a concealed carrier took the suspect down. This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 42nd of 193 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 70 School Shootings | 123 Everytown Lies

10/6/2016 Fort Worth, TX Dunbar High School

A gang-related shooting in the parking lot outside a school football game. No students appear to have ben involved. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 70 School Shootings | 124 Everytown Lies

10/11/2016 Prichard, AL Vigor High School

Student shot by a non-student juvenile right after school let out. This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 43rd of 195 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 71 School Shootings | 124 Everytown Lies

10/23/2016 Huntsville, AL Alabama A&M University

Shots fired outside a dorm by a non-student at 10:30 PM. No injuries. Not enough information to know if this was a robbery. Atypical school shooting, thanks to the dorm rule.

Fact Check Tally: 72 School Shootings | 124 Everytown Lies

10/23/2016 Caledonia, MI Davenport University

A student in a dorm was shot through the wall by a non-student fighting someone else. Dorm rule again.

Fact Check Tally: 73 School Shootings | 124 Everytown Lies

11/2/2016 Grand Junction, CO Grand Junction High School

Sad. A student suicide in a vehicle in a parking lot. Not a threat to other students. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 73 School Shootings | 125 Everytown Lies

11/3/2016 Berthoud, CO Berthoud High School

Another student suicide. Everytown didn’t pretend to care about the other one, because it happened at a home.Not a threat to other students. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 73 School Shootings | 126 Everytown Lies

11/11/2016 Auburn, MI Bay City Western High School

The SRO suffered a negligent discharge. Oops. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 73 School Shootings | 127 Everytown Lies

11/17/2016 St. Paul, MN Crossroads Elementary School

Student swiped a gun from his uncle and brought it to school, where another student ND’d it into the floor. Not any attempt to hurt anyone. Not a school shooting.

Fact Check Tally: 73 School Shootings | 128 Everytown Lies

12/1/2016 Bountiful, UT Mueller Park Junior High School

Parents rushed to school to disarm their own son before he could carry out a mass shooting. This is a legitimate, conventional school shooting, the 44th of 202 claimed.

Fact Check Tally: 74 School Shootings | 128 Everytown Lies

12/9/2016 St. Louis, MO Bayless High School

Non-students shot a man in a school gym lobby. Atypical, but it counts.

Fact Check Tally: 75 School Shootings | 128 Everytown Lies


If I have not miscounted along the way (and it is possible that I may have done just that by one or two or three), Everytown has claimed a grand total of 203 school shootings since Sandy Hook.

Of those, 75 seem to meet a generous definition of that term, which includes on campus student housing (the “dorm rule”), even well after hours and on weekends and even when students aren’t involved).

Of those 203 “school shootings,” only 44 meet the common perception of a school shooting, where someone came to a school campus to shoot faculty, staff, or students.

Everytown and Moms Demand Action, both projects funded by radical anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg, have long had a reputation for dishonest propaganda.

This is the first attempt we know of to audit all 203 school shootings claimed by Bloomberg’s minions, and we find them to be… lacking.

Unlike Everytown, I’ve provided a link to news stories for each and every one of these alleged school shootings, so you can tailor your own definitions, and draw your own conclusions.

Unlike Everytown, I’m willing to put my cards on the table, and enjoy a spirited and honest debate.

Join the conversation as a VIP Member


Tom Knighton 5:28 PM | March 25, 2025