Eight Anti-Gun Bills Move On In California Legislature

It’s not like California is likely to lose its crown as the most anti-gun state in the nation, though some states seem determined to bump it from its perch.


While it’s not much of a competition, necessarily, one could be forgiven for seeing it as such as well as believing that California is desperate to maintain the title by looking to pass still more insanity. In all, eight anti-gun bills are advancing in the state legislature, which sure looks like its worried someone may out anti-gun them or something.

Some highlights (read: lowlights) are:

AB 2103 adds more red tape to those applying for concealed carry permits in the state, making a firearms safety course of at least eight hours mandatory before they could be issued a license. Some jurisdictions have higher requirements than what is being proposed, but gun control advocates who support the measure say a statewide mandate for more training is needed. Gun rights advocates say the move is uncalled for and duplicative.

AB 2888 would expand who can file for one of California’s Gun Violence Restraining Orders, adding coworkers, employers, and school employees to the list that currently includes family members and police. Such orders, largely pioneered by the state, have been derided as “turn in your neighbor” laws as they allow for temporary gun seizures with the accused only able to appear in court after the fact in many cases.

SB 221 would prohibit the sale of firearms and ammunition at the state-owned Cow Palace in Daly City. The historic venue has long been the location of numerous gun shows throughout the years, which has drawn the ire of Democrats from nearby San Francisco. The bill was voted out of committee on Aug. 8.

SB 1100 would bar firearm sales to those under 21 years of age. The move would be similar to laws passed in Florida and Vermont this year, the former of which has resulted in a legal challenge on grounds of age discrimination. A fiscal analysis of the measure estimates California would lose out on $2.2 million per year in mandatory dealer fees due to the decreased number of gun sales resulting from the proposed new laws.

SB 1177 aims to ration new firearm purchases to one every 30 days. The state currently has such a rule for handgun sales, which the proposal would stretch to include shotguns and rifles. Just the District of Columbia, Maryland, and New Jersey have gun rationing laws on the books, but they, like California’s current statute, are directed at handguns only.


A bill that would have required background checks on gun parts, such as commonly replaced parts needed to repair firearms, was held up in committee. In other words, it’s not quite dead, but it’s on life support at best.

Other bills would ban the hunting of African game by California residents. Well, sort of. What it would do is ban the importation of animals legally harvested on the continent. Californians can still go to Africa to hunt, but all they’ll be able to bring back are pictures.

One sort of pro-gun bill advanced. I say “sort of” because it’s actually a bill that will reduce the cost for certain hunting licenses, which tends to be advantageous to gun owners, but it’s not truly pro-gun. After all, it doesn’t advance any aspect of the Second Amendment, which is why it advanced.

If it had been about guns, it would have died. Horribly.

Californians need to figure out a way to change the public’s perception of guns in their state so they can work to take back their rights. At this rate, the only thing saving them is that the Heller decision made it virtually impossible to have a total gun ban.

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