Urban Shooter Party

On October 30, 2010 at the Northern Virginia Community College Annandale, VA, Cultural Center Forum, 8333 Little River Turnpike, Annandale, VA 22003-3796 from 11am – 1 PM on Saturday, Rev. Kenn Blanchard will be celebrating his two hundredth episode of the Urban Shooter Podcast with a comedic roast and live show. 


Blanchard is known on the show as the “pastor of patriots, paladins and pistoleros,” and has been using his computer to broadcast his pro-gun message for the past three years.  This celebration is the opportunity for his fans and local activist to get together, laugh and be a part of his show that has meant so much to him.  Blanchard plans to open with a prayer for the nation, understanding the needs of our country now as we prepare to elect new leadership.  He has invited a host of comedians to add to the event that will end with a roast.  Here’s your chance to be a part of his show.

The event is being funded by ticket sales, that are available online for $30.

The Urban Shooter show (podcast) is a variety show for all law abiding gun owners, air-soft, air-gun, and paintball enthusiasts. It’s called the urban shooter because it is focused on people that shoot and live in or near a city, but all are welcomed.  Blanchard keeps the show lighthearted because he believes it is a little tougher to enjoy your gun rights in a city.  And you might need a laugh to keep from crying or sing a little song to keep your spirits up when you find out how restrictive it is to be a law abiding gun owner after you move into a city environment.


In the privacy of a small room under the washer and dryer, between the sounds of an active family, Blanchard produces a weekly podcast that talks about guns, history, politics, life, the news, and self defense that is flavored with my his experiences as a former professional protector, world traveler, and Christian pastor.  Sacrificing sleep sometimes and gaining the ire of church elders, he pushes the envelope.  He speaks and shares things from the heart.

Blanchard is one of the most audacious activist of gun rights since 1991.  Known as the Black Man With A Gun, he has been involved in concealed carry nationally as a trainer, speaker and lobbyist. Blanchard who is also a former US Marine, former federal police officer and firearms trainer has often been the sole representative for the minority community worldwide in the shooting sports.  The creation of the “podcast” has allowed him to be the ambassador for the shooting sports in untraditional places more cost effectively. 

Blanchard found out that he likes marketing; reaching interesting people, interviewing and helping them get their products out.  The show is sponsored by CrossBreedHolsters.com and supported by a few listeners from time to time.

The Urban Shooter Show is available online and free by download through a process of syndication known as RSS (Real Simple Syndication).  Listeners can easily “subscribe” to The Urban Shooter Podcast by clicking on its RSS icon or subscription button.  Since the creation of this new technology, many SMART phones also have the ability to catch this “feed” to a podcatching application of their choosing — or even good old-fashioned email.  The show is also available on iTunes and has an iphone APP


Get your tickets today, get your red, white and blue outfit together for this patriotic, event to support a pistol packing preacher that has done a lot in the inner cities of the United States for freedom.  He hopes to see you on October 30, 2010 at the NOVA Community College forum to share a laugh and show of support.  The proceeds from the event support this mission.


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