Gun Self-Defense: Homeowner Shoots Criminal Who Pistol Whipped Him

Sometimes a person’s resilience can be downright inspiring.  In Cleveland, Ohio, a homeowner and woman were leaving his residence when two masked men with guns ambushed them.


The incident occurred as the two were entering a car, and during the assault, an altercation broke out between the homeowner and one of the robbers.  The criminal proceeded to pistol whip the homeowner and attempted to remove him from the car.

Somehow, staying conscious during the entire ordeal, the homeowner managed to grab his firearm from the vehicle and fire at the two suspects.

The pistol whipping robber was struck multiple times and died at the scene.  The second suspect fled the scene but not before stealing the woman’s purse…guess he needed some vindication from his partner’s unnecessary death.  Disgraceful.

The homeowner was treated for minor injuries but will make a full recovery as police continue their search for the second suspect.

This marks the second time this week in which a homeowner managed to defend his family by keeping a gun in the vehicle.  Yesterday we covered a couple who was forced at gunpoint to rob a bank where the wife worked.  Fortunately as with the above story the husband had a firearm in his car.

Contrary to what anti-gun politicians would like you to believe these stories aren’t freak occurrences.  They happen every day and thankfully these homeowners had the wherewithal to locate their gun and save their loved ones from incurring any bodily harm.

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