Electronics Store Manager Circumvents Armed Robber

At approximately 7 p.m. Sunday, an armed 32-year-old Renard D. Carter attempted to rob a Cleveland, OH business. Carter walked into the Cyber Depot, flashed a handgun and demanded money from the cash register.


“I want the register,” Carter said. “I want what’s in the register.”

The employees complied, handing Carter the contents of the cash register which totaled a whopping $161.

As Carter turned to exit the Cyber Depot, the store’s manager reached behind the counter and grabbed an employee’s handgun, commanding Carter to stop. The armed suspect turned around to see the manager with a gun pointed at him and quickly attempted to flee the scene.

The manager fired multiple shots at Carter as he attempted to flee the scene. One shot hit him in the leg, dropping him to the sidewalk.

Another man approached the manager and claimed he was shot, but he fled the scene before police arrived.

When first responders arrived on scene they found Carter on the sidewalk with his handgun in his right hand and the bag of cash just to the left of him.

According to investigators, the second man who claimed to be shot has not been found or identified. One employee said the man had entered the store just hours before the robbery, asked a question, patted his pockets and left.

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Tom Knighton 4:29 PM | February 06, 2025