Newly Created Gun Control Group Takes Aim at Courts

The 2016 election cycle proved to be a big win for gun owners across the nation. Because of that, gun control advocates are now going back to the drawing board to figure out how to push their anti-Second Amendment agenda.


Congresswoman Gabby Giffords’ political action committee, Americans for Responsible Solutions, is partnering with the Brady Campaign, the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and the Brennan Center for Justice, as well as seven law firms to create the Firearms Accountability Counsel Taskforce (FACT). According to FACT, their mission is to pursue “legal strategies to address America’s dire gun violence crisis and hold the gun industry responsible for unfair business practices that endanger public safety.”

The gun control agenda is now moving from focusing on federal elections to focusing on courts.

With the gun lobby spending a record $30 million in the presidential election to support Donald Trump, more than any other special interest, and an additional $20 million in 2016 Congressional races, achieving progress at the federal level has grown all the more challenging. By expanding the fight beyond Congress, which has failed to take meaningful action to save the more than 33,000 lives lost every year to gun violence, and into the justice system, FACT will be able to push back against the special treatment the gun industry has enjoyed for decades.


In other words, because America’s 5 MILLION gun owners rejected their gun control agenda, the far and few have to create a new way to make their agenda a reality. And don’t forget – the NRA is so evil for advocating for their members.

“The power of the N.R.A. lies with our members and the tens of millions of Americans who support the Second Amendment,” Jennifer Baker told The New York Times. “The gun control lobby made this election a referendum on gun control, and they lost because the majority of Americans support the Second Amendment and they vote to protect their constitutional right to self-protection.”

Isn’t it interesting that Gabby Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly, are pushing for gun control yet they’re gun owners themselves? It’s okay for all of us to be unarmed as long as they have their own armed security guards, right?


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