VIDEO: NRA's Colion Noir Breaks Down America's Complacency Towards Gun Silencers

The issue of gun silencers – also known as gun suppressors – has become a source of  great debate nationwide.

NRA’s Colion Noir brings up a great point in his latest NRA ad, stating America’s complacency towards gun rights. In the video, Noir says that “we’ve gotten so used to being told what we can and cannot do, we’ve accepted it as our new normal.” He thinks that silencers will become the new normal and “should come with every gun like those cheap gun locks.”


Noir also took to Twitter to explain why he’s in favor of gun silencers, citing the Hearing Protection Act of 2017 as a positive step for gun owners.

Undoubtably, the debate will continue as this legislation moves through Congress and gun control advocates continue to push lies about suppressors in an attempt to thwart progress. Could our new pro-Second Amendment president be an effective catalyst for advancing these sorts of gun rights initiatives? We’ll soon see.

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