Piers Morgan Gets a Dose of Second Amendment Reality on "Good Morning Britain"

Australian immigrant Nick Adams appeared on “Good Morning Britain” with Piers  Morgan and Susanna Reid to discuss President Trump’s supposed “Muslim ban.”


Things took an interesting turn when Reid suggested Trump’s “Muslim ban” is ineffective and instead suggested the president take a hardline stance on guns.

“As a resident, if you want to make the U.S. safer, you don’t target immigrants, you look at the biggest problem, surely threatening Americans everyday, and that’s the absolutely shocking level of gun crime,” Reid told Adams. “And if President Trump directed his attention to towards tightening up controls on firearms that would immediately make the country a safer place.”


“Do you not understand that people look at this from outside the United States and scratch their heads going, ‘Why would you not want to have extreme vetting on lunatics or criminals getting their hands on high-power guns?'”

Adams’ response to why the Second Amendment is important was spot on:

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