WATCH: Megyn Kelly, Alex Jones Spar Over Sandy Hook

Last week, Sandy Hook Promise, a non-profit organization started by the parents of children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School, announced their canceling of Megyn Kelly as the host of their annual gala. Their reason? They weren’t happy that Kelly was conducting an interview with InfoWars’ Alex Jones, who has said he believed “parents faked their own death.”


On Thursday, the lawyers representing 12 of the families, sent a letter to NBC, asking them to refrain from airing Kelly’s interview with Jones.

From the letter, obtained by CNN:

Surely, we can agree that these families have suffered enough already, and that they will continue to suffer enough to last several lifetimes. Which is why we cannot fathom — from a moral, ethical or legal standpoint — NBC’s decision to amplify the voice of a man who has made a living debasing that suffering and smearing our clients’ names. Over the last few years, Alex Jones has weaponized his radio show to publish false and defamatory statements about our clients: chief among them that they are actors perpetrating a massive fraud on the American public by faking the deaths of their loved ones.

According to the lawyers’ letter, NBC airing the interview “implicitly endorses the notion that Mr. Jones’ lies are actually ‘claims’ that are worthy of serious debate; and in doing so it exponentially enhances the suffering and distress of our clients.”

For that NBC is responsible. We urge you to consider the ethical and legal ramifications of broadcasting this interview to millions of Americans. By now, it should be clear to NBC that airing the interview will cause serious emotional distress to dozens of Sandy Hook families. NBC — and NBC alone — has the power to prevent that harm.


NBC responded with the following statement:

Despite Jones’ “efforts to distract from and ultimately prevent the airing of our report, we remain committed to giving viewers context and insight into a controversial and polarizing figure, how he relates to the president of the United States and influences others, and to getting this serious story right.”

NBC decided to air the interview on Sunday night. The interview wasn’t friendly towards Jones. In fact, Kelly calls him out for calling Sandy Hook a hoax.

Jones took to Twitter to express his disdain for Kelly, calling her interview “a hit piece.”

Watch the full interview here:


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