Gun Sales Hit Record Highs, But What About Gun Accidents?

More people own guns now than ever before, so you might think that accidental and negligent shootings with firearms would be at an all-time high. In fact, the opposite has happened.


Recently published statistics show that as gun sales in the United States have hit record highs, accidental gun fatalities have simultaneously sunk to record lows.

The announcement by the National Safety Council (NSC) has taken ammunition away from the gun control activists, who have argued for years that fatalities and injuries in America increase as the number of firearms in citizen’s hands rises.

Guns don’t kill people …

According to NSC’s “Injury Report,” accidental deaths in 2015 plummeted to an all-time low of 489 in 2015. This comes despite the fact that gun sales over the past two years in the U.S. have escalated to lofty new heights.

It is reported by the Washington Examiner that the low number of accidental firearm fatalities accounts for a mere 0.3 percent of all deaths in the U.S. – the lowest percentage that has been registered since the statistic began being recorded more than a century ago back in 1903.

The organization that represents America’s gun industry, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), stressed how miniscule the number of accidental fatalities truly is – when compared to all the inadvertent deaths across the country.

“That’s about three-tenths of 1 percent of the 146,571 total accidental deaths from all other listed causes,” the NSSF announced, regarding the final tally of less than 500 fatalities in 2015, according to TheBlaze.

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The data suggests that as more people are obtaining firearms—with the vast majority of them citing “personal protection” as the reason for new purchasers according to industry sources—they are also seeking out better training and education.


This strongly suggests that the gun safety and firearms training efforts spearheaded by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and National Rifle Association (NRA) are paying off handsomely in terms of imparting safe gun-handling and storage practices.

This information also casts heavy doubt on the core underlying philosophies and efforts of the gun control movement in the United States, which is largely funded by a handful of left-wing billionaires and foundations, with very little real grass roots support. Though they’ve attempted to rebrand themselves as “common sense gun safety” organizations after running focus groups in an effort to repair their failing public images. These groups provide no safety training whatsoever, and being deeply invested in spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD), they’ve lost what little credibility that they might have otherwise earned.


The American people have embraced their natural human right to armed self-defense more now than at any time in American history. As more people have educated themselves about firearms and have learned gun safety, there has been a tidal wave of pro-gun laws and support for pro-gun lawmakers across the nation, ultimately resulting in the shocking 2016 election of President Donald Trump. The single biggest driving force behind Trump’s election was the National Rifle Association, which endorsed then candidate Trump last year in Louisville at the NRA Leadership Forum sponsored by Bearing Arms/Townhall Media at the NRA Annual Meetings last year in Louisville.


Radically anti-gun candidate Hillary Clinton suffered a stunning defeat in November, due in part to her pledge to attack the core gun rights of American citizens and a promise to dismantle the gun industry itself by reversing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), allowing gun control groups to wage costly “lawfare” against the industry with dozens or even hundreds of concurrent frivolous lawsuits.

Pro-gun bills, such as the Hearing Protection Act and National Concealed Carry Reciprocity are gaining steam at the federal level, while expanded concealed carry, open carry, and so-called “constitutional carry” bills are sweeping state legislatures across the nation.

Now more than ever, Americans are becoming a “people of the gun,” and to the surprise of very few of us who understand the thirst for knowledge displayed by a new generation of responsible gun owners, they’re doing so with more safety than ever before.

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