Husband and wife open fire on home invader trying to elude police, hold him for officers

A California man out on probation for drug offenses led law enforcement officers on a high speed chase before wrecking his car. Apparently attempting to hide from authorities after the wreck, he decided to break into a home.


He picked the wrong home. Three times.

At approximately 4 a.m., a couple and their 12-year-old son were sleeping in their home in the 5200 block of Oakdale Waterford Highway when the husband was awoken by a noise and found a stranger inside his home. The husband and wife both armed themselves with handguns, called 911 and confronted the man, Rakoncza said.

The husband ordered the intruder, Anthony Liberini, 27, of Modesto, to leave the property and he left. However, a short time later, Liberini tried to break into the house again by breaking out the glass in the back door. Fearing for their safety, the wife fired two shots at Liberini, stopping him from gaining access, Rakoncza said.

According to Rakoncza, Liberini then went to a bedroom window and broke into the home again. The husband confronted him again and ordered him to leave. When Liberini advanced on the man despite orders to stop, the husband shot Liberini in the torso and held him at gunpoint until officers arrived.

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