Two men showed up at Stephen Wright’s house (no, not Steven Wright) and forced their way in his Palm Bay home.
He didn’ t take kindly to their threats.
Shortly before 1 a.m., Pino and Kane showed up at Wright’s home “for reasons that are still under investigation,” Martinez said.
Wright told police the men the men barged into his house with some type of weapon, and became extremely aggressive with him.
That’s when Wright retrieved his gun and shot the two men, killing them, police reported.
Police said other people were inside the home when the shooting happened, and told police Wright acted in self-defense.
Wright is cooperating with police, Martinez said. He was not taken into custody.
Both media accounts I’ve read claim that there was a weapon involved, and Kane had already done one stint in prison for armed robbery. thanks to Wright’s shooting prowess, he won’t be going back.
As a side note, I’d mention that teams of home invaders are seemingly the norm now, which means you’re SOL (somewhat out of luck) in those states that dangerously restrict your legal magazine capacity.
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