CBS Chicago posted an article yesterday noting that Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart was now carrying a gun, something that the Chicago politician pretending to be a law enforcement officer had not done previously.
The URL to the story is now dead, but Google’s cache is forever.
It is not unusual for a sheriff to be carrying a gun. In fact, it would be expected in some places.
But when Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart recently started carrying one on his belt, it was a bit unusual.
So WBBM’s Mike Krauser asked him about it.Dart – a former state lawmaker known for policy as much as anything else — said he’s been getting some unwanted attention, unfortunately.
The sheriff has had his life threatened.
“It’s been impressed upon me that I have five little kids, and I need to be around a bit,” Dart says. “So, I can’t just cavalierly just blow everything off.”
“It’s a little bit of a wake-up call, unfortunately,” he added. “I have no delusions of my abilities.”
The gun goes with the job, he says.
So Tom Dart thinks he’s the only special snowflake worth protecting in Chicago; all the other fathers and mothers in the murder capital of the United States simply aren’t as worthy. This is the same jerk actively seeking to block citizens from legally carrying concealed, even though they are legally required to have more training than he probably does.
If I were Dart, I’d want the story scrubbed, too.
Blatant hypocrisy is never attractive.
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