"Purpose built for social work." The Armscor/Rock Island Armory M5 12 Gauge Fighting Shotgun

I really think that Jeff Quinn is preaching the gospel in the notes to this YouTube video:

The M5 is easier to load than most other pump shotguns on the market. It is easier to work the action than most other pump shotguns on the market. It is easier on the wallet than most other pump shotguns on the market. That last feature is very important to most of us. Many times, gun writers are lost on the significance of price when it comes to buying weapons, as we usually get a pretty good deal on the latest and greatest guns on the market. However, to a young father with a mortgage, a car payment, and a family to feed and clothe, price is important. To a single mom trying to make a living for herself and the kids, but needing a home defense weapon, price is important. The good thing about the M5 is that we do not have to sacrifice quality to get a good price. Armscor makes their firearms in the Philippines, and they use quality materials assembled with skilled craftsmanship. The M5 shotgun is a fine choice at any price, but it doesn’t hurt that it costs less than the competition. I like it, I use it, and I highly recommend it.


Quinn reports that it runs right around $200.

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