ABC's "Young Guns" is full of deception... and data skewed by gang-bangers.

ABC News ran their anti-gun propaganda feature “Young Guns” last night in an attempt to convince their audience that their elementary school aged children were at a high risk for gun accidents and death.


But that simply isn’t the truth.

As the Crime Prevention Research Center shows, the numbers are heavily skewed by gang violence from older teens.

ABC News is planning multiple hours of coverage on Friday that is only designed to incorrectly scare people into not owning guns. While the Pediatrics Journal study that they are emphasizing here has problems, ABC News doesn’t even come close to accurately reporting what the study does show. The ABC News report constantly talks about the significant risk of guns to children generally, recommending that people ask their neighbors about gun ownership. Their report makes it look like these accidents involve young children, but the numbers are driven by 17, 18, and 19 year olds, overwhelmingly blacks in drug gangs.

About 80% of the firearm injuries are related to violent crime, not accidents or self harm. Requiring your average family to lock up their guns or to scare them into not owning them, isn’t going to stop incidents involving violent crime or drug gangs. Indeed, disarming people will make this problem worse.

As the CPRC notes, knowing if your neighbor has a teen involved in criminal activity is  a for more important question to answer in attempting to diagnose whether your own kids are at risk than asking if your neighbors have guns.

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