Speed shooter Jerry Miculek trolls CA state Senator de Leon with "30 Caliber Magazine Clip"

California State Senator Kevin De León is the laughingstock of the shooting community, thanks to a howlingly ignorant press conference he gave about a piece of legislation he’s introduced to ban firearms that don’t exist, to do things that are mechanically impossible:


This is a “ghost gun.” This right here has ability with a 30-caliber clip to disperse with 30 bullets within half a second. 30-magazine clip in half a second….

There are no such thing as “30-magazine clips”… or at least there weren’t until Jerry Miculek, one of the fastest professional shooters of all time, decided to get involved, and cobbled one together by duct-taping and rubber-banding a standard capacity 30-round AR-15 magazine to M1 Garand en-bloc clips. [hat-tip: The Gun Wire]

Despite being a multiple world-record holder in speed-shooting, Jerry couldn’t make his “30-caliber clip”  “disperse with 30 bullets within half a second.”

Something’s defective here…

kevin de leon

… and I don’t think it’s Jerry Miculek.

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