KY Democrat Challenges McConnell Over "Right Way To Hold A Gun"

When Senator Minority Leader (R-KY) Mitch McConnell brought out a ceremonial muzzleloader to present it to retiring GOP colleague Dr. Tom Coburn (R-OK) as an award, McConnell’s Democrat challenger Alison Grimes for the Kentucky Senate seat quipped on Twitter:


Really, Mrs. Grimes?

As Townhall’s own Katie Pavlich (herself a Gunsite grad) noted in November, Grimes isn’t nearly as competent or gun-friendly as she pretends to be:

Kentucky Democrat Alison Grimes is hoping to beat out Republican Senator Mitch McConnell next year for a place in the U.S. Senate. Three weeks ago, Grimes posted a photo of herself on Twitter shooting (without eye and ear protection, two big gun safety don’ts ) and invited McConnell to come along.

But Grimes isn’t as Second Amendment friendly as she’d like voters to think and an endorsement from Michelle Obama that she recently picked in New York City, proves it.

During a speech at a fundraiser for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee at the Sheraton Hotel in Midtown Manhattan last week, Mrs. Obama made it clear President Obama needs Grimes in the Senate to push his far left agenda, which includes more gun control.


Grimes talks a good pro-gun game on Twitter, but she’s noticeably silent about Second Amendment rights in her campaign web site’s “On the Issues” section.

We took to Twitter to ask Grimes how she feels about the most popular rifle sold in the United States.


We’ll let you know if she responds.

It seems doubtful that anyone who is supported by an Obama has the best interests of gun owners at heart, even if they can hold a firearm long enough for someone to snap a picture.

Just because some can hold a gun (and even find eye and ear pro) doesn’t mean that they have the best interests of gun owners at heart.


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