And Another One Gone, And Another One Gone: Detroit Homeowner Dispatches Two Home Invaders

Thugs in Detroit keep thuggin’, and citizens sick of their criminality just keep putting them in the ground:

Two men have been shot to death during an apparent burglary at a west side Detroit home.

Detroit Police Sgt. Michael Woody says the homeowner, who has a valid concealed pistol license, told officers he confronted the men outside after hearing someone trying to break in. The homeowner said he shot the men after a fight started.

Police Chief James Craig has acknowledged that more Detroit residents appear to be protecting themselves from intruders.


Neighbor Frances Williams sympathized with her friend and neighbor, and seems to capture the general mood of the city:

“We’re just tired, basically. … We’re not going to live in fear. People are just doing what they have to do, you know, and just as anybody else, we value our lives, and we’d like to be able to live out our lives in peace,” Williams said.

William’s neighbor, a man in his early 50s who repairs buses for the city, is the latest in a string of cases where Detroit residents have resorted to using weapons to fend off intruders. If prosecutors decide that Tuesday’s killings on Dexter were justified, it would bring the number of justifiable homicides in Detroit to 10 cases so far this year.

A Detroit police spokesman said residents have a right to defend themselves.

Chief (James) Craig and the Detroit Police Department, along with the citizens of Detroit, are fed up. “We are sick and tired of being victimized by the criminal element in this city,” said Sgt. Michael Woody. “The citizens are protecting their homes and their property and their families, and they are well within their rights to do that.”


If authorities determine that the shooting was justified, it will be deemed the ninth and tenth justifable homicides in Detroit so far this year.

Take it away, Freddie.

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