Las Vegas Police Shooters Described As Meth Users And Conspiracy Theorists, Kicked Off Bundy Ranch

Las Vegas Police Officers mourn outside the Walmart where the suspects and one of the victims died. Image via Reuters.

The Las Vegas Police have raided the apartment of a young married couple that ambushed and murdered two Las Vegas Metropolitan Police officers yesterday and a woman inside a nearby Walmart before committing suicide.


Neighbors interviewed by the Las Vegas Review Journal are painting a picture of a deeply disturbed couple:

The shooters were a married couple thought to be in their late 20s who were new to the Las Vegas Valley, according to a law enforcement official close to the investigation. Police are looking into their links to the white supremacy movement and found swastika symbols during their initial investigation.

Residents of the Bruce Street apartment complex gathered outside the building to talk about the couple whose unit was being searched.

Several neighbors identified the man as Jared, while one called the woman Amanda.

Like many of the neighbors contacted, Krista Koch said she didn’t know the couple’s last names. She described them as “militant.” They talked about planning to kill police officers, “going underground” and not coming out until the time was right to kill.

Brandon Monroe, 22, has lived in the complex for about two weeks. He said the man who lived in the apartment that was being searched often rambled about conspiracy theories. He often wore camouflage or dressed as Peter Pan to work as a Fremont Street Experience street performer. A woman lived with him, Monroe said, but he didn’t see her as often.

They were weird people, Monroe said, adding that he thought the couple used methamphetamine.

“The man told Monroe he had been kicked off Cliven Bundy’s ranch 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas while people from throughout the U.S. gathered there in protest of a Bureau of Land Management roundup of Bundy’s cattle.” Jessica Anderson, 27, said. She lived next door.

Reached Sunday, the rancher’s wife, Carol Bundy, said the shooting and the April standoff against the federal government were not linked.


The Bundy family was very accepting of outside support when people from around the country converged upon their ranch, and I’d opine that the man must have been rather obviously unhinged for him to be distinctly identified and culled from among a large group of strangers relatively quickly.

One source with the Metro Police told the Las Vegas Review Journal that the two officers who were murdered had their bodies covered by the murderous couple “with something that featured the Gadsden flag.” The two murderers were also apparently found with “swastika symbols.”

As of right now, the singular, unsupported claim that the woman who was murdered inside Walmart was a concealed carrier who may have wounded one of the suspects remains unconfirmed.

Some on the political left are attempting to pin this on the Tea Party movement thanks to the alleged use of Gadsden Flag symbolism and the man’s apparent claim that he was at Bundy Ranch. I would say that a Nazi Peter Pan meth user conspiracy theorist cop killer is more than likely simply unhinged, and like so many who are dangerously mentally ill, he grabbed bits and pieces of whatever ideological movement was available in the area to fold inside his messed up head. I suspect that we’ll find out that the same general picture applies to the female murderer.

If the couple had been in Los Angeles instead of Las Vegas, I wouldn’t have been surprised to see them latch on to Occupy Aztlan and draping their victims in Che tee shirts while screaming for a higher minimum wage and/or reparations for white gender-queer privilege. The point is, crazy people are crazy. Don’t try to find logic where there isn’t any.


The two officers murdered by these loons were family men. We extend our deepest condolences to their families, and to the family of the still unidentified woman murdered inside Walmart.

Update: Confirming just how sketchy initial information can be, the “woman” murdered inside the Walmart has been identified as 31-year-old Joseph Robert Wilcox of Las Vegas. There is no indication at this time that he was armed.

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