Moms Demand Action Hates Stories Like These, So We're Writing Another One.

An Idaho man says that his concealed handgun likely saved his life and kept his daughter from being kidnapped:

“Me and my daughter were parked here and I was standing by the vehicle on the rail. There was a van that was parked in that direction with two gentlemen sitting in it,” said Broyles.

Broyles said a man came towards them with a knife as they looked towards the lake.

“I turned around and there was a guy that was sneaking up on me…probably about 15 feet behind me and he asked me if I had any money,” said Broyles.

Broyles obtained an Idaho concealed weapons permit in 2014. He said he pulled out his gun.

“I pushed my daughter back, pulled out my weapon, cocked it and aimed it at him,” said Broyles.

The Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office said Broyles had every right to defend himself with equal or greater force, especially if he felt his life was in danger. The same rule applied in the State of Washington.


Anthony Broyles thinks that the men intended to likely kidnap his daughter. The men were presumably prepared to kill Broyles, knowing that a father wouldn’t give up his child without a fight.

I’ll leave you to contempt why two grown men might want a two-year-old girl.

Shannon Watts, the founder of Michael Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action/Everytown gun cult, doesn’t want Mr. Broyles or you to be able to defend your family with firearms.

She would rather have read about Anthony Broyles being found dead on the pavement at Higgins Point along Lake Coeur d’Alene, and the urgent search for a young girl who had been kidnapped after watching her father murdered, who was likely to die herself after being brutalized in unimaginable ways.

This former Marine’s armed defense of himself and his daughter are the last thing Shannon Watts wants. Incidents of armed self-defense like this, which happen hundreds of thousands to millions of times every year, ruin the narrative she is trying to create that firearms aren’t needed.


Watts would prefer that you remain unarmed and defenseless in the face of home invaders, armed robbers, kidnappers, child rapists, abusive ex-spouses, and tyrannical governments alike. She has her own cadre of armed security guards, but you… you aren’t as worthy of protection as this wealthy public relations executive and former Democratic party campaign consultant.


You don’t deserve to be protected. You deserve to be controlled.

At least, that’s what the deranged mommy cult thinks.

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