When He Threatened His Ex With A Gun, He Thought He Was The Only One Armed...

Jerald Riley (right) isn't faster than a speeding bullet.
Jerald Riley (right) isn't faster than a speeding bullet.
Jerold Riley (right) isn’t faster than a speeding bullet.

Some people are slow learners, and 19-year-old Jerold Riley is apparently one of the slowest.

Already on probation for a domestic violence conviction, Riley decided to track down his ex-girlfriend with a .45-caliber and threaten her with it in a local drive thru.


That is when his plans—whatever they might have been—fell apart when the store owner stepped behind him and dropped Riley with a shot from behind:

Mr. Riley, who is on probation for a domestic violence conviction, was shot by Bobby Howard, 71, the owner of Howard‘s Dr‍ive-Thru, 1001 Nebraska Ave. Mr. Riley was inside the central Toledo carryout on Monday night, allegedly with a gun, and making threats to his ex-girlfriend. At some point, Mr. Howard pulled out a gun and shot Mr. Riley once in the back.

Riley survived the attack, and is now cooling his heels in jail, his bond set at $120,000, facing charges for felony menacing and carrying a concealed weapon.

Mr. Howard, who was defending both himself and Riley’s unnamed ex-girlfriend, will not be charged.

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