The Families of Two Dead Thugs Are "Crushed" That This Man Is Free

Concealed carrier Gabriel Mobley has been labeled the "black Zimmerman" for killing two men that attacked him outside a Chili's restaurant.
Concealed carrier Gabriel Mobley has been labeled the "black Zimmerman" for killing two men that attacked him outside a Chili's restaurant.
Concealed carrier Gabriel Mobley has been labeled the “black Zimmerman” for killing two men that attacked him and a friend outside a Miami Chili’s restaurant.

The Florida Supreme Court has refused to take up a prosecutor’s appeal of an appeals court decision that granted immunity to licensed concealed carrier Gabriel Mobley, meaning that Mobley’s six-year ordeal is finally over.  Murder charges were dismissed in an attack caught entirely on a Chili’s security camera.

A very biased account of the events carried in the Miami Herald and republished by the Florida Courier nonetheless gets the general account of incident correct:

Mobley shot and killed Jason Jesus Gonzalez and Rolando Carrazana in February 2008 outside the Chili’s restaurant at 5705 NW 173rd Drive.

Gonzalez and Carranza had gotten into an argument with Mobley and a friend inside the restaurant. No fights occurred and the two men left the eatery, though not before banging on the outside windows and pointing at Mobley’s group.

Some 20 minutes later, Mobley and his friend, Jose Correa, were smoking cigarettes outside the restaurant. Mobley had retrieved his Glock pistol from the glove compartment of his parked car.

Suddenly, Gonzalez appeared out of nowhere, delivering a “vicious punch” to the face of Correa, fracturing his eye socket, according to court documents. Gonzalez danced backward, his arms raised as if to taunt the men. Seconds later, Carranza appeared rushing toward the men.

“I was scared, and then I seen this other guy coming up from the back and then he reached up under his shirt so I was scared,” Mobley testified at an immunity hearing in January 2012. “I thought, you know, they were going to shoot or kill us.”


Conveniently, the “journalist,” David Ovalle, forgets to mention that Carranza had charged Mobley while reaching his hand under his shirt, and two knives were found near where he fell.

Ovalle also ignorantly—or perhaps with deliberate malice—described the incident as an application of Florida’s “stand you ground” law, which Andrew Branca notes was barely applicable (if at all) as Gonzalez and Carrazana ambushed Mobley and Correa, who had little if any viable opportunity to retreat. It appears that Ovalle’s entire focus was on demonizing Mobley in order to attack a “Stand Your Ground” law that wasn’t very relevant to case (only a dissenting judge mentioned it), just as journalists attempted to incorrectly ascribe it to the Zimmerman trial and Jordan Davis case (it wasn’t relevant to the defense in either case) and to the Marissa Alexander case (where she tried to claim “stand your ground” immunity, but was denied by both the trial and appellate courts).

Finally, Ovalle notes that:

Miami-Dade Chief Assistant State Attorney Kathleen Hoague said Wednesday that the victims’ relatives were “crushed” and “to say we are disappointed is an understatement.”


Perhaps the families should have taught their relatives not to act like savages. If they’d been civilized, and hadn’t been so violent, both Jason Jesus Gonzalez and Rolando Carrazana might still be alive.

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