Pittsburgh Man Blitzs Estranged Wife's Home, Is Intercepted By Gun-Owning Boyfriend

Some people seem to have a really hard time understanding that they are no longer in a relationship with another person.

Laray Jones didn’t seem to grasp that point as he attempted to crawl through the window of his ex-wife’s home, resulting in a fatal case of lead poisoning.


Police in Allegheny County say a woman called 911 at about 4 a.m. Sunday and said her estranged husband was trying to enter the Pittsburgh home through a first-floor window.

Police said another man came downstairs with a gun and shot the intruder after he got inside.

The medical examiner’s office identified the man as 33-year-old Laray Jones of Jeanette and said he died of multiple gunshot wounds to the torso.

Homicide detectives have not officially cleared this as a self-defense shooting yet, but unless the man inside the home shot him while he was attempting to escape or surrender, it seems like an open and shut case with a pro forma investigation.

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