"“Memphis Is Going To Burn If They Do Not Control These Children.”

Sharon Mourning was one of the victims of the latest mob attacks in Memphis.
Sharon Mourning was one of the victims of the latest mob attacks in Memphis.
Sharon Mourning was one of the victims of the latest mob attacks in Memphis.

Another week, another mob attack in Memphis, Tennessee:

We now know three juveniles were charged after the violent attack in Midtown Friday night, but unlike the days after the Kroger parking lot attack, Memphis’ police director and mayor aren’t saying much.

Sharon Mourning was one of the victims in this weekend’s violent mob attack near South Bellevue and Peabody.

She told WREG, “Memphis is going to burn if they do not control these children.”

Mourning says the kids were crowded in the middle of the street and attacked her car.

Early Monday morning, WREG sent requests to talk with Police Director Toney Armstrong and Mayor A C Wharton.

People at city hall say the mayor is still out of town but want you to know, “The spike in violence in our city is attributable to a small, but destructive minority. The City is doing its part to provide alternatives for teenagers.”


Like some other parts of the nation, Memphis is falling prey to “wilding,” the practice of mobs of more or less feral teens rampaging through a section of town attacking anyone and everyone for not other reason than their own amusement.

This attack echos an attack that left two Kroger employees and a shopper beaten unconscious earlier this month.

Sadly, neither the Mayor, nor the police, nor community, nor parents seem to want to take responsibility for putting a stop to the practice in Memphis, and finger-pointing being the favorite sport of the day.

blame parents

Unfortunately, I fear that Mrs. Mourning may be entirely correct. Memphis is under siege from within, and it seems that it will only take a spark to trigger an even more violent incident that leads to a loss of lives. It may be that one of these mobs eventually beats someone to death. It may be that a concealed carrier or off-duty cop or homeowner is forced into a position of having to fire upon the mob to defend themselves, or other innocent people caught in the maelstrom.

Perhaps when a several of these “children” are stainless steel tables sporting little more than a toe tag parents and community leaders will finally begin taking some responsibility and attempt to stop this criminal behavior.


Unfortunately, it seems that parents in some communities simply don’t care to act, until it’s already too late.

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