A pair of Pennsylvania State Democratic Representatives are alive today because one of them was able to draw and fire his concealed weapon, driving an armed robber away:
A Pennsylvania state lawmaker who got into a shootout with a 15-year-old boy who was trying to rob him near the Capitol said Wednesday the experience proves the value of packing a gun.
State Rep. Marty Flynn, a former prison guard who is licensed to carry a handgun, said he believes he probably would have been killed if he had not used the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 pistol that he conceals in a belt holster worn on the small of his back.
“This isn’t my neighborhood. I didn’t grow up here. I’m not comfortable in this environment,” said Flynn, D-Lackawanna, a native of Scranton in the state’s northeastern corner. “I don’t feel safe walking the streets of Harrisburg.”
Flynn, 39, and fellow Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, D-Erie, were accosted just before 11 p.m. Tuesday while walking to the residence they share during legislative sessions, which is about four blocks from the state Capitol, following a late dinner with other lawmakers, in Harrisburg.
Flynn said he put his hands up but Bizzarro was going through his pockets, attracting the attention of the teenager, who was about 8 feet away. While the youth trained his weapon at Bizzarro, Flynn drew his pistol. Flynn said he fired twice after the youth fired the first shot. Harrisburg police said the first two shots were “almost simultaneous.”
The would-be robber “shot at Bizzarro. I shot at him. I shot at him again and it was just like a blur to me,” Flynn said.
It must be surprising to those who are used to Hollywood gunplay where the good guy makes headshots at 50 yards while running and rarely, if ever misses, but is isn’t uncommon at all for even trained shooters simply start blasting at extreme close range, and miss.
While the bad guys got away, they didn’t get far. Four thugs ranging in age from 15-17 were quickly arrested, and the 9mm handgun they used to commit the crime was recovered. The criminals also apparently confessed to earlier armed robberies in the same area.
These Democrat lawmakers understand that it is intelligent to carry a firearm for self defense.
It’s too bad that the radical left wing of their party is hell-bent on stripping away the basic human rights of citizens to defend themselves.
Note: We covered this story earlier in the week, but this account features far more detail.
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